
July 31, 2006

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #61

Submit the worst possible caption for this week's New Yorker cartoon. Click here for last week's results. Click here for an introduction and "rules" to this contest. Click here for amplification of those rules. Click here for contest index.


"You're perfectly healthy, baby Suri."

Results after the jump

"I tried to call earlier, but your phone appears to be a cardboard prop." [Submitted on the off chance that the doctor is not the one who is supposed to be saying what's in the caption.] —RichM

"God, I just can't get going this morning. I should just take a nap on my huge hand novelty couch." —Dan McCoy

"Most physicians don't hold chiromancy in high esteem, but I find it an invaulable diagnostic tool. For instance, in your case, I can tell from the length of your life line -- that's this one curving around the base of your thumb here -- that you are very very very large." —Walt

Really, people, did everyone have to go straight to the prostate joke? I'm not angry, just disappointed.

Posted by Daniel Radosh


"Looks like Nietzsche was right; I can't find a pulse."

"...and scissors cuts giant paper. Huzzah, I get to keep the singing harp!"

"Good, now please lift me to your scrotum, turn your head, and cough."

"God, I just can't get going this morning. I should just take a nap on my huge hand novelty couch."

"What's that, Mr. Giant? You don't have insurance? Well, perhaps you could pay me in paintings that I could put in all my empty frames. Come to think of it, I don't know why I hung them on the wall like that. Seems kind of crazy."

"Yes, it's true. We only wear these head mirror things in cartoons."

"Hm. God is dead." (apologies to theophylact)

"No, you're still alive, that's how come you can hear me."

"I'm telling you I'm not a doctor. My name is Bronson Pinchot, I'm an actor, and I'm drunk. Please return me to my planet. I cannot help you or your people...Ok, fine, I'll take your pulse."

"As your tiny physician I feel it's my duty to tell you you're going to have to stop drawing New Yorker cartoons, Mr. Wilson. They're killing you. On the inside you're already dead."

"Rarely does a drawn image capture the hand of his creator. But when it does happen, Mr. Wilson, it does not end well."

"'May Cause Dizziness And Blurred Vision' does not mean 'Will Not Cause Gigantism,' Mr. Clarke."

Now I'm only going to ask you once- Did you take any steroids before or during the Tour De France?

Yes, for shizzle you've got acromegaly. Upside-down peace out my nizzle.

That's incredible. My buddies and I love the Violent Femmes. They're going to freak when they find out I met the real life "Big Hands."

Yes, Seymour Kuntz is my real name, and no, I was never interested in gynecology, it was orthopedics all the way.

Yes, most of my other patients think that HMO's have decreased both the quality and quantity of medical care.

"I am soooooo goddamn tired of taking these giant peoples' pulses."

"It's nothing, just a tiny vampire bite... what's that? Your fingers are too big to - Oh all right, fine, I'll stop the bleeding. Here."

"Hold on, hold on ...okay, yes, from what I'm feeling it seems you have massive swelling of the hand."

"So, Mr. Gulliver, what brings you to Lilliput?"

"It's quite simple, actually. I crawl inside and remove the offending polyp. I'm quite thorough; you won't feel a thing."

I bet you have a gigantic cock.

Didn't your mother warn you about what would happen to your hand if you kept doing that?

"I don't even need to take your pulse, really, because given your size I can clearly see the blood rythmically churning in your arteries like the peristaltic passage of undigested meat through the bowels of a vivisected walrus."

"Yeah, I know how you feel. I send Radosh week after week of comedy gold and he ignores me like I'm that guy that used to write in like he was a POW. Although on reflection that guy's persistance was hilarious, even though each installment was merely smirk-provoking. By the way, are you getting enough calcium?"

"Everything normal, Mr Williams. But, if I may, due to your inordinate size, when you dab on what seems to you even the tiniest bit of patchouli oil, to the rest of us it ... is ... like ... a ... chemical (gasp) weapon."

"(If I tell the sensitive giant fellow he has a fatal, incurable condition, he may cry a surfeit of boulder-sized tears, causing a tragic tsunami deadly to myself and the others populating this particular comic universe. A similar tragedy obtained from another "unhappy giant" gag in a recent Perry Bible Fellowship strip. I shall be prudent, then, and give him hope with a little white lie.)"

"You have pancreatic cancer, sucker!"

"Ten beats per minute. That's about normal for your size."

"One, one thousand, two, one-thousand, three, one thousand...you're dead."

"i feel bad for Dr. Cohen. He drew the femoral artery."

"You know that thing about not using the thumb because it has its own pulse? Total malarky. But patients freak out if you don't use your second and third fingers."

"If I don't get a pulse in another ten minutes, I'm going to lunch."

"Hey, look! Your thumb is as long as my arm."

"I gotta call my friend, Oliver Sacks. He loves these weird cases. Did I say weird? I meant interesting. He loves interesting cases. Heh heh."

"I'm very sorry, sir. You have AIDS."

"I'm upgrading your condition to 'curiouser and curiouser.'"

G**amn HMO.


I told you you'd get sick if you kept barebacking Paul Bunyan.


Are you sitting on my receptionist again?


It looks like I'll be able to sign your disability documents for your hand job after all.


Stop lying! I know you farted!


No, I do not do prostate exams.


I'll send a semi over for the stool sample.


"God I'm so high."

" Wow, man...'one joint and I'm seeing God."

" Tickle tickle doo "

Your pulse rate is fine, but I'm a little concerned about the fact that you appear to be twenty times the size of a normal man.

I'm afraid this goes beyond my training as an optometrist.

Most physicians don't hold chiromancy in high esteem, but I find it an invaulable diagnostic tool. For instance, in your case, I can tell from the length of your life line -- that's this one curving around the base of your thumb here -- that you are very very very large.

The good news is that you can do all the coke you want.

Does this hurt?

There is no second hand on this watch, can i borrow yours?

"This balloon is fine for the parade. Can you bring in Bart Simpson next?"

You're the visible hand of what? Oh yes, we've been expecting you...

What do you mean "do I know where this hand has been"?! Are you deliberately trying to scare the shit out of me or what?

As soon as I'm done taking your pulse we'll move on to the next part of the exam...what? Oh don't worry, it's a very common procedure for men of your age - and I have my trusty headlamp here...

"Peace, baby."

"You're the first person to notice that the frames where my diplomas should be are blank. At least your giant eyes are working."

"Thank goodness I am not a proctologist."

Have you been swimming in a freshwater lake or river? Because I think you may have Type 2 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. That's when actual carp are compressing the nerve.

"This is the biggest case of dactylopodia I have ever seen. Assuming there is such a thing."

Either your heart has stopped, or my watch is broken. Sorry, that's an old joke.

"Give me just a few more minutes, and I'll have an Adam Smith joke for you. I was Econ minor."

You're a great goddman joker, Alice. Now put my house down. I didn't pay Harvard prices not to have waterfront.

Sir, remember what I told you - one pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small. No, how about taking the second one before my receptionist suffocates in your ass?

Well, your pulse seems normal, but I just have to ask: are you a top?

I can't believe they've discovered that there are millions of you in every gallon of sea-water.

"Not at all. Everybody deserves a big hand now and then. Heh heh.

Tickle, tickle, tickle! No wait, let me climb to your armpit.

"The honesty's too much, and I have to close my eyes and hide."

"Methinks they shouldn't have had you soaking in it so long."

"Yo, hand - I'm talking to you!"

"The inside of your arm is so soft and smooth, I just want to...keep toooouching it."

"Everyone said I was an idiot to build a waiting room the size of an airplane hangar, but I guess I showed them."

"Have you lost weight?"

Jesus, what an asshole!

there's a zit right here... yeah... you want me to pop it?

"Yes, I can only imagine how coitus would be impossible for a gentleman your size. Wait -- I think I have a lively female patient who could more than accommodate you, sir. Yes, by Jove, her name is Ann Coulter. Say, why don't you linger a moment after we're done here and I'll prepare for you a glowing letter of introduction."

If you keep calling out random numbers I'll never be able to get an accurate pulse.

"I tried to call earlier, but your phone appears to be a cardboard prop."

[Submitted on the off chance that the doctor is not the one who is supposed to be saying what's in the caption.]

Think about Allison Hayes, in Attack of The Fifty-Foot Woman!

Hmm, not good ... We need to run some tests. Does next Thursday in Giants Stadium work for you?

Sorry my secretary couldn't let you in. We don't get many big ugly monkeys here. Um, can you hear me?

"My advice? Tattoo 'Florida State' on it, point your index finger in the air and start waving it at football games."

"Go back to the waiting room. I called for the man with the slow hand."

I don't usually do hand jobs...

Palm Sunday is such a mystery to me.

You don't seem to have a fever...I don't know why your palm is so rosey.

On the count of three, bitch-slap my secretary.

"I don't know either. I've heard ga-HAHN, GAY-hann, guh-HANN, GAY-uhn and on and on and on. Not that it matters, freak."

No, Mr. Dennis, I am not going to "pull your finger."

No, Mr. Dennis, I am not going to "pull your finger."

(I always take responsibility.)

"I'm not a doctor, but I play one on a TV show about a giant"

Okay, I've verified that you're not a penis. You may proceed to the vulva, through that door over there. Yes, since 9/11 we do take birth control very seriously here, sir. Have a nice day.

"Dude, check it out. This dollhouse is the best place to hide weed."

"Sure, I'll 'talk to the hand.' However, I think we'd communicate more effectively if the face at least tried to understand."

Of course I recall the media frenzy, Calista, but now you're eating too much.

"You can shave your hair if you want Mr. 'Kong', but I still will not call you king. There is only one King I serve and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. Have you read the book of Mormon?"

I'm afraid whatever you have is going to be a big problem.

Mr. Fetterson, I told you with this condition it's perfectly normal to smell the blood of an Englishman.

Welp, I can see you've sure been eating your vegetables. Heh-heh, heh-heh-heh, heh-heh, heh, heh-heh-heh, heh, heh-heh-heh, heh-heh-heh-heh-heh. Heh. Ah, geez.

"Oh, sorry. I forgot about the size difference."

1) Remember that it's "la mano", not "el mano".

How do you expect me to find your pulse when I can't find the writing on my diplomas nor the buttons on my office phone? That's what I thought.

"We'll just make a couple of deep incisions... here and here. Oh, before we do that, could you please make out that check to Kervorkian Associates?"

"Luke, I'm sure Laura will be glad you've come back to Port Charles, reincarnated as a giant hand. Here at General Hospital... we... Cut! I can't do it! This script is just preposterous!"

"Sure the chances of a cerebrovascular accident are increased in giants with a history of thrombosis--especially if they continue to smoke!--but other than that you're in perfect shape to fight all the Hebrews you want, Mr. Goliath. Honestly I've never seen a fitter whatever-it-is-that-you-are."

"There's nothing funny about this situation. Nothing at all. How often can you say that, Mr. Patient? Rarely, to be sure, so you may want to take the opportunity now, while you can."
"You're right, Doctor, although one of us--which one? who's to say, could be both--is of a radically abnormal size there is still a need for medical professionals, of all sizes, to administer healthcare to patients, of all sizes. There's simply nothing funny about routine medical care. The stakes--your life!-- are simply too high and the process--palpation of various body parts--is simply too mundane."

"He's dead, Jim."

"well you'll live, but I'm affraid you'll never play the ukulele again."

How's your wife healing up? Have you told her that you're a giant yet?

I don't know why I'm bothering to take your pulse, since you just end at the doorframe anyway.

"Sure you may be bigger, stronger, and faster than me but I can still pick both of my nostrils at the same time."

"Well hello Nancy Archer. Damn, you must be fifty feet tall. But never mind that, are you ready for gynecology exam?"

"Your pulse rate is unnaturally large."

"Sounds like you've been slacking off on the exercise...again."

"Sounds like your pulse has gone up again. Have you been binging again?! You know, morbid obesity is dangerous- especially for a man of your size."

"That's OK- I'll take it from hear, Big Guy."

"That's how you make a peace sign. Now you check my prostate."

>>did everyone have to go straight to the prostate

Oh, I see. You're one of those types who demands foreplay. Borrrrrring.

"The wallpaper? Thanks. I find it brings out my eyeshadow. And my prostate."

"Prostate? I don't even know her! God, I love that one."

"That's how you make a peace sign. Now check my thyroid. Oops - that would be MY PROSTATE. I'm disappointed too.)

"That's how you make a peace sign. Now check my thyroid. Oops - that would be MY PROSTATE. I'm disappointed too.)

"That's how you make a peace sign. Now check my thyroid. Oops - that would be MY PROSTATE. I'm disappointed too.)

Yes, this pussy is as big as a house. Now get out of my living womb.

"OK, your pulse is fine. Now, if you would lie down prostrate on the ground..."

"Yeah, yeah, you like that shit."

God, I just can't get going this morning. I should just take a nap on my huge hand novelty couch. Peace Out.

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