
March 30, 2007

Bill Richardson for Secretary of State

In a comment on this blog yesterday, Radosh.net chief political analyst Slutwench wrote that Bill Richardson's appearance on the Daily Show revealed his presidential qualities ("dimples"). Slutwench has been known to lust after various Hamas leaders, so her taste in men is suspect. But I do tend to respect her political judgments, and you know I've been curious about Richardson, so I fired up the DVR and watched him do his thing.

Ay-yi-yi! as his people say. Honestly, the guy has a great résumé, an appealing philosophy and, to my limited knowledge, decent policy proposals, but he is so uninspiring. He can't even handle the "why do you want to be president?" question. He repeats his meaningless phrases, runs through laundry lists, and seems to miss the point of his own stories. He's the definition of unelectable. Charisma isn't the most important thing for a president to have, but passion does count, and I don't see any here.

On the other hand, I'm glad I watched the episode anyway because this and this were fracking brilliant. I probably should have embedded them instead.

Posted by Daniel Radosh


dimples = charisma

when the guy smiles, he is all charm. if you want inspiring speeches, you have his running mate (whom i've chosen for him): john edwards.

hillary and obama will destroy each other over the next eight months, and richardson/edwards will emerge as the ticket that will save the country.

seriously, richardson is the only candidate with the experience and smarts to handle foreign policy.

He repeats his meaningless phrases, runs through laundry lists, and seems to miss the point of his own stories. He's the definition of unelectable.
I was going to say, "So he's like what John Edwards will be when he grows up?" But after reading slutwench's comment, I'm too frightened to make jokes.

Maybe if we could genetically meld Richardson's gravitas with Edwards' chutzpah, you'd have something along the lines of a candidate I could get excited over. Either that, or a ginormous talking-points Pez dispenser.

I'm sticking with the big O.

Governator Bill? Oh, hahaha. Secretary of State. Hohohoho. Now if there was a Secretary of Bending the Truth I might agree he is fit for that post. Visit the blog and see where Tubby probably has the best spin doctor working.


Wow! Take a bow you ass wipe.
I love Richardson. Or as you people say yehaw!

Do us a favor and jump in a lake.

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