
October 5, 2005

It's not TV. It's... really not.


A few months ago I got an e-mail from a producer at ABC News Productions asking if I'd do the witty observation thing for a new docu-entertainment special called Yearbook: 1983 that was not described to me as a marginally more high-brow I Love the 80s, though it certainly could have been.

The last time I did one of these things it turned out to be a fiasco, but I'm a -- what's the word? -- whore, so I said yes.

The taping went pretty well. I got off some pretty good lines, and they did assure me they wanted funny stuff this time. But I also said some truly, truly dumbass stuff too, and if they wanted to edit the show to make me look like a clueless, inarticulate moron, it would not be that hard. So I'm nervous.

But not too nervous, because I just found out that ABC News Productions does not mean, as I'd rashly assumed, that the show will air on ABC, a network some people actually watch, I'm told. Instead, it will be narrowcast this coming Friday at 9, and periodically throughout the month, on something called The Discovery Times Channel, which is available only to the 423 people who get their cable or satellite company's full digital lineup. In New York that's channel 113, sandwhiched between the Hindu Cartoon Channel and Hitler's Dog Show Network.

So if you want to hear me discuss new wave and Iran-Contra, you know where you'd have to look if you were willing to pay an extra $50 a month on cable.

Posted by Daniel Radosh


I'm pretty sure that Go-Go's photo is from 1981, early 1982. Yes, I stalked them once successfully.

What's it worth to you for this broadcast not to be featured prominently in Friday's TV Barn's TV Picks?

This is so gonna be posted on Metafilter early Friday afternoon...

...unless I see $200 in unmarked bills in a valise on my doorstep by Friday morning.

Thanking you in advance,

Actually, I pay the extra cash for Toon Disney (gotta have the Huckapoo fix), and Nick GAS (so I can watch 1992 episodes of "Nick Arcade!")

It wasn't too lame, and they kept some funny stuff in. Though it was weird they used the same line more than once...odd mix of commentators too. Improv comedy folks, you and Tucker?!

Now they just have to keep you in the loop for the 1985 version. Much better year! (well I graduated HS and started at Oberlin that year so it was a good one for me anyway!)

I have digital cable and I don't have Hindu Cartoon Channel. I'm pissed.

I do have Discovery Times...maybe I'll dvr it.

Why doesn't anyone ask me to do these shows? I'm way more funny than you.

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