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November 24, 2009

Smudge Report

Daniel Radosh
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Daily Show: The Rogue Warrior
Daily Show
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The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Gaywatch - Peter Vadala & William Phillips
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The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Law & Order: KSM
Daily Show
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Eunice Kennedy Shriver was inspired by her sister Rosemary Kennedy to found the Special Olympics. Rosemary was not as sharp as the rest of the brood, and as a young adult became more and more difficult to supervise. The problem was solved by giving Rosemary a lobotomy at age 23, which left her a drooling vegetable, incontinent, catatonic, whereupon she was warehoused for the next 65 years in a backwoods Wisconsin institution. The Kennedy family including Eunice settled on an official story for Rosemary big on compassion and noble tolerance for their "retarded" loved one, but leaving out the part about Joe and Rose choosing to cut out part of their daughter's brain rather than risk her becoming a political embarrassment. To be sure, the Kennedy family is monumental and Sarah Palin is a comic nemesis straight out of Preston Sturges; but unfavorably comparing Palin to the Kennedy's vis-——-vis treatment of a mentally challenged family member is truly retarded.

I meant "Kennedys" not "Kennedy's." sorry

I just wanted to say these are some really great segments.

Yeah, let's act as if all of New York is so ignorant and racist as to want street justice for the 9/11 patsies. Can't wait for the spectacle of the year-long trial of the Hate-Us-for-our-Freedoms 5. I guess now we know the real reason Generalissimo Mayor for Life Michael Bloomberg needed to be installed for another term: so that he, along with his CIA winged monkey David Cohen, could preside over the propaganda circus of propaganda circuses. Let me guess, the trial will go something like this: lots of Allahu Akbars and unkempt bearded men screaming about the US being the great satan. Those whacky NYPD kids putting down their donuts and going to work, illegally searching and detaining like it's 2004, cuz, hey, you know, homeland security and shit. No testimony about the ad hoc Land of Oz laws of physics operating only on 9/11 and only in NYC that allowed scattered open-air fires to cause three steel towers to collapse at free fall speed neatly onto their own footprints in pulverized dust and molten metal. No testimony as to who warned Giuliani of the first collapse and why he didn't pass that warning onto NYPD/FDNY. No testimony as to why Giuliani ordered the steel remnants shipped away and melted down before they could be thoroughly examined, thereby destroying the crime scene. No testimony as to why teams of thugs from Bellevue Hospital nabbed dozens of rescue workers in the first days after the attack, locking them away for days and repeatedly injecting them full of Haldol so their memories of the details at Ground Zero would not be reliable. No testimony re Larry Silverstein's order to demolish Building 7. No testimony at all that would lead to any truth about 9/11. Just some Bush/Cheney-corroborating villains who hate us for our freedoms -- straight out of central casting, and a bunch of mainstream media shills using them as the reason why the US/Israeli slaughter of Muslim men, women and children must continue indefinitely. Obama will be further justified in honoring one proud US tradition -- decades of Muslim genocide masquerading as accidental collateral damage, in Afghanistan, Pakistan, probably Iran, possibly North Africa. Nice to see cute, funny, liberal Jon Stewart and his writing staff in lockstep with O'Reilly and Limbaugh and Coulter -- truth sets you free. Radical Zionist/George Bush supporter Sumner Redstone certainly knows how to get his money's worth from his many young (under 80 years old) and brainy producers, writers and performers.

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