
February 2, 2009

Bad digestion, good cause

e0d9_1.JPG Perhaps you read today's New York Times editorial about how the cash-strapped Brandeis University is closing its acclaimed art museum and thought, "What can I do to help?"

Well here's something: The Museum of Bad Art is riding to the rescue with an eBay auction of a piece from its collection by Deborah Grumet, better known to Radosh.net readers as Deborah who always enters the anti-caption contest and sometimes wins.

This framed 18"x 24" piece portrays the human digestive system skillfully drawn in the styles of Keith Haring, Georges Serat, Rene Margritte (with mislabeled organs a la the Key of Dreams Series), and a Picasso single line drawing.

Says MOBA curator Michael Frank: "Whatever we get is not going to bring in enough to save the Rose, but if everybody did their part, maybe."

Posted by Daniel Radosh


What a gutsy concept!

Thanks for the mention! I think I am going to do a spleen series next.

Related bad arts coverage.

Seurat. Magritte.
OK, so I haven't had my coffee yet.
But really.

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