
November 26, 2007

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #124

Submit the worst possible caption for this New Yorker cartoon. Click here for details. Click here to see last week's results.


"Kejo: You are overthinking this considerably and *still* being illogical. All the crawlers know that there is no water in the direction they have come. Therefore everyone, upon suddenly coming across a wave of parched crawlers coming the opposite direction, should realize that there is also no water in the direction they are going, and try crawling in a direction that no one is crawling from. Therefore they should make a left or a right turn, although it is impossible to determine which. (Making a 180 degree turn would just send them back where they came from, dooming them to certain death.) In my caption, I hypothesize that most of the crawlers are unable to generate this optimal survival strategy, addled as they are by thirst." —Francis

"Francis: Oh, and furthermore, a ninety degree turn would send them perpindicular to all other crawlers! Did you mean a 180 degree turn?" —kejo

"Francis: Actually, exactly the same number of people are crawling in either direction (not including the conversing duo)." —kejo

Honorable mention
"Considering how many other people dying of thirst are crawling in the opposite direction that we are crawling, I bet there's no oasis that way. We should make a 90 degree turn." —Francis

"Frankly, none of us could have survived long enough to grow beards." —Amy

"Futility, you crazy bastard!" —shadyside lantern

"The mainstream media refuses to report the positive stories. That's the real issue." —al in la

"Fun run my parched, cracking, soon-to-be-dead ass." —Dan McCoy

"Bet you wish you voted for Al Gore now." —jake

"I agree; quite simply 'Lost' really glamorized plane crashes. I am finding it extremely difficult to make friends under these conditions." —Donny

"Keep looking! He who controls the spice, controls the universe!" —Rubrick

(Translated from the original Arabic.) "One more week at this [terrorist] training camp and we'll be ready to attack the American infidels. Allah be praised." —mypalmike

Posted by Daniel Radosh


Every morning it's the same old crap...stuck at the interchange waiting for someone to drop dead.

I can't believe that guy cut me off! I'm gonna kill him! Wait...wait...OK, there - he's dead.

"Ide-hay the ater-way ottle-bay."

"Considering how many other people dying of thirst are crawling in the opposite direction that we are crawling, I bet there's no oasis that way. We should make a 90 degree turn."

"If we don't die from thirst, the sun will bake us alive."

"Think it'd be ok if I told'em it was only a disposable contact?"

"I knew this Disney World Death Valley concept was a bad idea."

Hot enough for ya?

"Waterboarding doesn't sound so bad right about now."

“I could really go for a Tall Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino, skim milk, no whip.”

"Are you here for the New Yorker desert survivor cartoon model reunion?"

Francis: Actually, exactly the same number of people are crawling in either direction (not including the conversing duo).

"I'd kill for some water right about now."

I know I dropped it around here somewhere. I'll need that contact in order to appreciate my skin being seared off my body.

Fucking sub-prime mortgages.

Wow, lots of Amish are crawling across the desert all at the same time.

Francis: Oh, and furthermore, a ninety degree turn would send them perpindicular to all other crawlers! Did you mean a 180 degree turn?

"Just keep telling yourself, 'It's the humidity.'"

"The swimming leg of this triathelon was a lot easier before global warming."

"So, how do you like Malibu now?"

Without sunscreen we'll probably all develop skin cancer and die.

"I think it's fine that the warden has us getting our exercise while acting out the 'Thriller' video, but couldn't he let us do it inside?"

The scours here are mob scene

Sure, you could argue that the surge is working. But this whole area seems to have been ethnically cleansed already. And isn't it time to start asking whether or not we're really seeing and real signs of political progress?

"When global warming makes the Pacific rise three feet, we'll still be 500 miles from the fucking coast."

"I slept with your wife."

"Goddamn that blazing Van Gogh Sun!"

Sure, they advertise bargains. But if you don't get up early the morning after Thanksgiving, the whole place gets picked over pretty quickly.

Kejo: You are overthinking this considerably and *still* being illogical. All the crawlers know that there is no water in the direction they have come. Therefore everyone, upon suddenly coming across a wave of parched crawlers coming the opposite direction, should realize that there is also no water in the direction they are going, and try crawling in a direction that no one is crawling from. Therefore they should make a left or a right turn, although it is impossible to determine which. (Making a 180 degree turn would just send them back where they came from, dooming them to certain death.) In my caption, I hypothesize that most of the crawlers are unable to generate this optimal survival strategy, addled as they are by thirst.

Carl, look behind me. Isn't that Cousin Itt from the Addams Family?

No, this is Operation Desert Swarm.

"Who's fucking idea was it for Senegal to host the Summer Games?"

"Come around, idiot!"

"Fun run my parched, cracking, soon-to-be-dead ass."

"Ever notice you don't see as many vultures as you used to? I'd figure this for a buffet for them, but still-- nada."

Francis, Kejo: Gee, some people have a lot of time on their hands!

"And you know what the worst part is? They turned out to be balloons. A clump of just under a hundred. God damn it."

"Hey look, it's Steven Spielburg!"

"So where are the ladies?"

"Have you noticed our hands are evolving into feet?"

"How can you think about hot man-to-man action at a time like this?"

"Sifting for DNA evidence can sometimes really burn me up.”

"Patience, my ass! I'm going to kill something!"

Ah well, Francis! I guess I had not anticipated such advanced reasoning powers in an anti-caption. Boo to me, then! and thanks for explaining something that just went totally over my head.

(If the Francis-Kejo commentversation doesn't win this week, I promise not to believe in God anymore.)

Didn't I read somewhere that cactus contains water? ... I SAID, DIDN'T I READ SOMEWHERE--

"I've got it, Nelson! We'll make a 90 degree turn! That's right - we'll be crawling straight UP! Talk about going over their heads! HA! Ha HAAA!"

"Man, I really should have thought to wear a cap like that guy."

"...and that's when Van Sant called and was all, 'Gerry II: The More, The Gerrier!' But damned if I've seen a single camera this whole week."

"Y'know, for some reason I always pictured the post-apocalyptic future with more guns and leather jackets, and less crawling."

"Futility, you crazy bastard!"

It makes me uncomfortable, what with your six-inch long nose so close to my anus. What if I were to stop suddenly? [stops suddenly]

"You know, I think this 'flash mob' thing has really played itself out. I mean, seriously, who are we trying to fucking impress?"

"Hey! Good to see you, Larr! Where've you been hiding yourself lately eating scorpions and drinking your own urine?"

"My knees hurt. Mind if I ride you for a while?"


"I'm here for the annual Hennings' march to the sea."

"Bet you wish you voted for Al Gore now."

You know what this place could use? A sun-bleached longhorn cattle skull.

"If we survive, I'm writing a song about this. That river bed we passed yesterday was pretty evocative. So was that horse skeleton. Hmmmm..."

"Please get started without me. Thanks."

Did you know we're all actually ninety percent water?

"The beauty of this sport is it's noncompetitive."

"I spy with my little eye something that begins with C."

"Are we there yet?"

"Okay already. You can bitch at me later. Let's just find the god damn keys."

I agree; quite simply 'Lost' really glamorized plane crashes. I am finding it extremely difficult to make friends under these conditions.

"Hey, look. I found some dirt."

"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas - white as my sun-bleached bones on the blinding white glare of the baking sands."

"Hey, remember that old Twilight Zone episode, where this woman thought the earth was falling into the sun and it was so hot that everyone was being baked alive? And then at the end, it turned out she had been dreaming - and actually the earth was falling AWAY from the sun, and everyone was freezing to death? That would be so cool if we all woke up and we were actually freezing to death."

Why did we ever volunteer to colonize the extrasolar planet Mu Arae d? With a distance of only 0.09 Astronomical Units from its parent star, the surface temperature here is about 600 degrees Celsius. Its mass is 14 times that of Earth, so its crushing gravity allows us only to crawl about on all fours. The indigenous life-form is a kind of intelligent saguaro which delights in sodomizing us with its prickly appendages. Hey, we should call this place "New Australia".

"I'm tellin' ya, there's a big fucking pistol around here somewhere."

"Look, it was funny when they had two of us approaching from opposite directions - but this totally misses the point."

"Keep looking! He who controls the spice, controls the universe!"

Abe Lincoln with that hat over there's bout to get the beating of a lifetime, says my bald head.

What are you, a dog? Quit sniffing my ass.

Can you say sausage-fest?

I blame Kejo and Francis.

"Is it my imagination, or has corporate hired a few extra people for the day shift?"

"This would be cute if we were all babies"

"Hey... I just thought of something! We can walk there!"

"Hey, I heard the new Chevies are out."

(1) "I used to think dying of heat and thirst in the desert would be somehow funny or ironic. But instead it's just slow and horrible."

(2) "Yeah, that one's dead too. Next."

" I brought along a couple of.... Ah, never mind!"

"So I says to the genie... 'Give me a home where the buffalo roam..."

"I think we should have made a left turn at Albuquerque!"

"Looks like the job's been filled!"


No, I don't understand why we're all crawling around on a stage covered in sand. I also don't understand why you volunteered for this shit. I'm only doing it because it's a requirement for Performance Art 101.

"The main stream media refuses to report the positive stories. That's the real issue."

Next time I say that a desert flash mob sounds like a good idea, poke me in the eye with one of those cactus spines.

I'd rather talk to a fucking volleyball, to be honest.

"I gotta say, I'm pretty disappointed in Burning Man. Where are the tits? You said there would be tits."

"I got my archaeology degree from Cornell in '82. My first fieldwork was near Pueblo Bonito, under Professor Davies. You?"

"Veni vidi water...water...o-leevio!"

"The Star Spangled Banner? Francis Scott Kejo! Wuh-da-yuh think, I'm a FUCKING IDIOT?"

"I think you might qualify for federal disaster relief."

"Yes, this is my first time geocaching. So, when does it get fun exactly?"

(Translated from the original Arabic.) "One more week at this [terrorist] training camp and we'll be ready to attack the American infidels. Allah be praised."

"Yeah, and people in Hell want ice water."

"It's still quicker than the Gowanus* at rush hour. More civil too."

(*or if in L.A. substitute "101."

Frankly, none of us could have survived long enough to grow beards.

Crap. I forgot to get my flu shot.

Leave it to the networks to over-capitalize on the Survivor Man concept.

"Forty years we've been out here crawling around, scraping by on 'manna' that we find on the ground. Fuck Moses and all his bright ideas right in the ass!"

"How do we know that if we sand up we'll be sliced in half by laser? Sure it's what we've been told since we were born, but how do we know it's true? Do we have any proof? Have we ever seen anyone actually stand up our entire lives? This is the kind of thinking that keeps me up at night, you know. Next thing you know I'll be doubting the existence of God."

"No, I'm sorry, it's just not as funny when I have to explain the punchline"

Hey buddy, you know that Dylan Thomas poem with the line, "Rage, rage against the dying of the light"? Well check this out, you can reverse it and get, "Die, die against the raging of the light". Guess who's doing the "raging" in this alternate poetry universe!? And where were the exclamation marks in the original? Well I got your exclamation marks right here!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!

Hey, wanna help? I lost a contact.

I shit my pants.

"Me too! I thought the sign read, 'Unlimited Dessert,'!"

"Well guys... This is probably NOT where D. B. Cooper tossed all that cash."

"Me too! I thought the sign read, 'Unlimited Dessert,'!"

"Well guys... This is probably NOT where D. B. Cooper tossed all that cash."

Correction to my first comment. Sentence should read: "How do we know that if we stand up we'll be sliced in half by lasers?..."

"Allahu akbar!"

Ernest, not funny.

"I'm not stopping. You should have gone before we left the house."

"Once I'm back to my courtroom, I'm going to wash me up a whole mess of dishes, I'm telling you."

"Truly, God has forsaken us one and all."

Either we're all leaving dark snail-trails, or something's seriously wrong with the lighting in this place.

A recent survey shows that fifty-eight percent of white male desert crawlers agree with the direction we're going. Of course, it would be foolish to draw any kind of analogy to American politics, due to the extreme and contrived nature of our situation.

I'm perfectly okay with the idea of all of us dying slowly from dehydration and exposure, as long as no one says anything that offends anyone's religious beliefs.

Hey, I know you! You're the prophet Mohammed!

"Shouldn't that little Christmas tree we just passed be decorated?"

"Nice vest."

"Dude, look! Over by the horizon! Thousands of people not dying of heat exhaustion! No, wait, mirage, my bad."

"The upside to the desert is I totally remember my name, what with how there ain't no one here for to give me no pain. Plus, sunstroke isn't not affecting my ability to construct sentences that don't feature convoluted triple negatives."

"Worst pub crawl ever."

"Aquafina? I barely even know'uh!"

"Is that guy's trucker cap meant ironically? What the fuck is this, 2003?"

"I think we have a chance. The riddle of the Sphinx says we end up on three legs before we die."

"So, you still want to go on about how 'Evian' is 'naive' backwards, or do you want to apologize for passing up the last bottle of water?"

"I'm so hungry I could eat a - hey, that guy is slowing down."

You ate the whole bag of pretzels?

"Yeah, I did notice God's asshole on the horizon there. How often do you think He takes a dump?"

"Look on the bright side: At least there aren't any (n------) around."

"Man, I would NEVER work the night shift - those guys look really beat."

"We are searching for the best caption to this cliche, 'man-in-the-desert' cartoon. The people crawling in the other direction are searching for the 'anti-caption', a concept I find it difficylt to define."

*difficult* to define...and hard to spell.

"It's rough when you're a hobo-sexual."

"I think maybe we should just walk."

"I always thought I would dia alone. I mean, at least since I got lost in the desert."

"I already understood the futility of slowly crawling through the vast, burning desert, but all these people crawling in opposite directions really brings the point home."

"So anyway, that's my view on death and the pointlessness of Man's struggle to survive. Jesus, just listen to me ramble! How depressing! I just get on these tangents sometimes."

"You crawl back to the Arby's we passed a mile ago. I have fucking standards!"

"I wish I had know this 'Aerobics in the Holy Land' shoot had a great deserts of tribulation segment. But you know what the worst thing is - no workout mats! Ok, ok ... lift and clinch ... lift and clinch ... yes, I can feel the burn, dammit!

"when will this writer's strike ever end? we studio heads are literally starving for good content. as evidence, look how shitty this caption is."

"I hate having to 'hand-smooth' these Japanese cactus gardens. They want tranquility?!!... they need to adopt longer 'happy hours!"

Fer CHRISSAKE can't you change the subject?? I still say Al Gore can stick his data where the sun don't shine.

"Because the light's better here."

"Sure it's dangerous. But Halliburton is paying us a fortune to clear landmines." [click]

We're leaving Las Vegas.

** Not a submission but a comment **

PL's use of CHRISSAKE after disallowing "Allahu akbar!" displays a cunning irony, or bald hypocrisy. Well played, PL.

"OK, I got another one, then. Knock, knock."

"Yeah, I agree, overpopulation is a serious problem. But not, in my opinion, as serious a problem as, say, terrorism, or the AIDS epidemic, or dying of thirst and heatstroke in the desert."

"I'm turning into my great-great-great grandmother."

[kejo variation]

"Carl, look behind me. Isn't that... Jesus Christ Almighty? ...Dude, we are sooo screwed."

"Psst... hey buddy... Steve Fossett at 9 o'clock!"

Big (cough) referendum in Pakistan. (hack, wheeze, rattle) Picking a new currency design. It's between young rockabilly Pervez and older Vegas Pervez. (cough) Man it really is a comedy desert out here. Settle the strike, you jerks!

It was in Entertainment Weekly, the one with Alicia Keys on the cover, that's my source, smart guy. "Cavemen" has *eight* -- count 'em -- episodes in the can. Heading into the writers' strike, that's more episodes than all but one of the half-hour sitcoms on the big three networks. "The Office?" Zero episodes stockpiled. What I'm saying is that this is the window of opportunity -- it'll give the world a better chance of finally appreciating this show. You've got that "Why should I care?" look. How many times do I have to make this same point? If the vote goes through -- and that's why we're out here canvassing -- then we (anti-)caption contest characters will join the ranks of the fictional characters union. Which includes the TV guys. You know that the cavemen are a big part of our team here, just as important as the anthropomorphs and space aliens and bartenders and psychologists. Hell, you remember that crazy couple of months when we kept sending Cirroc and Grok out there, over and over. They knew it was comedy suicide, but they took it for the team. That's why we're organizing in the first place. Because if they think they can deny a fictional caveman his dignity, then where does that leave us desert castaways? Brother, can I count on your vote?

"Consumer Reports makes you pay your dues. This is my 4th year in the desert division."

"You know why you can't starve in the desert? Because of the sand which is there."

"Damn it! If this traffic doesn't speed up, we're going to freeze when that sun goes down."

Trudging is really exhausting.

"You, know, if you're not having a good time here, it's your own fault."

"Have you been over to the buffet yet?"

"That concierge can kiss my ass!"

".....and later we've gotta sit through a goddamned ninety minute presentation!"

"I wish I had known this 'Aerobics in the Holy Land' shoot had a great deserts of tribulation segment. But you know what the worst thing is - no workout mats! Ok, ok ... lift and clinch ... lift and clinch ... yes, I can feel the burn, dammit!"

"I can't make up my mind if this is more Camusian, Beckettian, or Kafkaesque."

"This vast wasteland is nothing at all like television."

It's an old picture of the Million Man Crawl on Washington D.C. in the post-global warming era.

"I hope the taxpayers don't find out we're still being paid to find weapons of mass destruction."

"Quit saying you're Thursday. Your fucking name is Friday!"

"This training ain't so bad, and I can't remember why I was against the draft in the first place."

"Face facts, man ! If 'Bierce' was ever going to turn up, he would have turned up by now !"

"Lucky stiffs ! They done crossed the Nularbor !"

I haven't seen a woman in, like, 3 hours, so if we assume they're all dead, how's a little hardcore buttfucking grab ya?

"This new Steve Fossett diet is f-ing brilliant!"

"Let's go back to the car."

This moisture wicking shirt is lightweight and extremely breathable, so I can stay dry and comfortable in my death throes.

"I know we should travel by night, but how would you draw that?"

Jennifer just seems NICER than Angelina to me.

It's my birthday tomorrow.

So do we just poop in our pants or what?

"I screamed, 'Madonna, Madonna, adopt me!' but, for some reason, she picked some little black kid."

I guess I can't blame that one on the dog.

"Do you think that guy from the taco stand looked a little suspicious?"

I'm starting to doubt her milkshake is really in the yard.

Not it

Is it just me, or is it hot here?

I had a dream last night that I was crawling across a blistering desert populated by an infinity of guys just like me. What do you think it means, Salvador?

"That dude is going to go bald if he keeps wearing a cap."

I'm tellin' ya, George wouldn't lie, we are either going to find Bin Ladin or WMDs...

Fuck. Did you say landmines?

"I'm sure your lost contact is dried out by now."

"The Koran promises 42 virgins, but budget cuts have made that mean 42 sweaty hobos who've never been fucked in the ass."

"I'm thinking of going somewhere less crowded next summer."

"Don't quit now. We need to prove to those fucking network execs that internet revenues are NOT a mirage!!"

Christ, you're an asshole.

Go for a drink later?

...s Anton Chigurh, if we slow down for even a second...

"Is it you CAN'T remember your name, or you CAN remember your name? Anyhow, what IS my name?"

(or maybe it should just be) "With all these people around, I can't remember my own name."

"How you doin?"

"We'll pinch the cap when he puts in for the night-- give ourselves a better shot."

"Third Annual Manhood-Prop Desert Crawl for me ..... hold my head up with any Iraq vet."

'The good news, amigo ? We headed U.S. of America ! The bad news? The sun still rises in east !"

"Ever notice men will retain their 'modesty' til the last ?"

Ok, so this isn't the best "Where's Waldo" photoshoot ever.

"Listen, when Lucifer opens the door to this hellhole and shows the next schmuck his choice of eternal damnation let's try to slip out and sneak into the room where everyone is buried in shit up to their necks with a cup of coffee by their heads."

"They told me if I was late one more time, they'd fire me. Do you know what time it is?"

"All you guys with a full head of hair. You're so lucky."

"You know what would be cool? If people would take this cartoon and turn it on it's side, it would look like some of us were scaling a giant vertical wall of sand while others were crawling down it. They could also flip it over and it would look like we were stuck to a giant ceiling of sand."

"I don't know what's worse...dying of thirst in the desert or not living to ever see Honorable Mention."

It's hot.

"You go on ahead, dude, I'm heading back the other direction. I'm booked for a cartoon Monday at 6 a.m. with three dozen hobos slumped in a row against a wall, all holding cups and signs that say, 'Lowest prices in town.' It's kind of meta -- that's why you don't get it."

"Well, I mean, except for the fact that we haven't had rain since 2012, Country Joe doesn't call his band the fish anymore because of the irony, and we send all the women to Nova Scotia for 10 months out of the year, sure, this Woodstock is almost exactly like the original."

"Oh no, I'm not worried. There's an Evian ad on page 92 and a Starbucks on the inside back cover."

"This is ridiculous. I'm going to stop and ask for directions."

"Excuse me, ¿Qué caliente hay sol?"

"Back when I was enthusiastic about reducing my carbon footprint, I never imagined that my commute would be like this."

“Check out that guy with the bleeping visor cap. I would call him a lucky so-and-so, but I wouldn’t want to offend anyone’s you-know-what sensibility!”

“Reading the Sunday Times just isn’t the same online.”

"I'm just not that picky - I think the one I just crawled past would make us a fine Christmas tree."

America 3 - Everything but the Girl 0

Mo Buck, a finalist three weeks ago, sets the bar for the anti-caption so far around the bend it actually wins the real contest. (This is for the Groucho glasses assembly line cartoon.)

Real winner:
"Yeah, that one's funny, too. Next."
James Keegan
Milton, Del.

Anti-caption finalist:
"Ha. Ha. Very Funny. [checks box] Ha. Ha. Very Funny. [checks box]..."
Mo Buck


"Who the fuck is Simon anyway, and why do we just do everything he says?"

"There was a while there when global warming seemed pretty sweet for Canada, eh?"

"North for the jobs, South for retirement; isn't that ironic?"

I guess J's faith in God remains unshaken now.

This week, everyone won.

"The U.S.-Mexican immigration imbalance would seem somehow to have become mitigated in recent months."

Fuckin' Jim Jones, man. I'm telling you Herb there was something in that Kool-Aid!

Charles Addams did roughly this same cartoon in the February 29, 1988 issue of The New Yorker. The cartoon is on page 291 of the collection "The World of Chas. Addams." It does not have a caption.

I can't wait to get out of the rat race!

"At least there are no vultures."

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