
July 2, 2007

Atlas. Shrugs.

atlasofcreation.jpgEarlier this year, schools and libraries in France received thousands of unsolicited copies of a strange and elaborate book called Atlas of Creation, which argues (from an Islamic perspective) that Darwinism is to blame for everything from terrorism to fascism. Now it seems that this incredibly expensive marketing campaign has added American media outlets to its bulk mailing list.

I got a copy of it from a friend who works at a national magazine, where they apparently received eight copies of it. Each copy of the 800-page tome—which is basically nothing but full color images of fossils—weighs 14 pounds, mind you, and that's just volume one of a projected seven. What's it all about?

According to this Reuters report, the book's author—Harun Yahya—held "a bizarre news conference ... aboard a luxury yacht off Istanbul's northern Bosphorus shores near the mouth of the Black Sea" just last month. He refused to discuss his financial backers, however, and Reuters says speculation has ranged "from Turkish Islamists to U.S. Christian activists." If it's Turkish Islamists, that's pretty boring. If it's U.S. Christian activists, that would be interesting, somewhat sinister, and awesome. If, however, it's just some Borgesian design collective, well then someone's a genius, now aren't they?

Has anyone else out there received a copy of this wacky book? (It would be hard to miss in your inbox.) I'd be interested to know. At the moment, it's my own personal Huckapoo.

[Thanks to Rose for passing the Atlas on.]

Posted by Jim Hanas


We, the New York Hall of Science, received about 20 copies intividually adressed. I learned that some universities recieved copies (eg SUNY Stoneybrook's department of ecology and evolution) and some colleagues in science and natural history museums. Seem from their perspective this is a collosal waste of money to sent it to sceintists rather than to fundamentalists and other creationists and borderline creationists.


I just got a report that Vol. II is also making the rounds. The cover is green rather than red.

I live in Italy and everyone is talking about the atlas of creation here. I have my copy of volume I, it is awesome. One of the most convincing studies I've ever met in my tutoring life. I've always had questions about evolution. Besides Adnan Oktar is gorgeous looking and charming.

I live in Italy and everyone is talking about the atlas of creation here. I have my copy of volume I, it is awesome. One of the most convincing studies I've ever met in my tutoring life. I've always had questions about evolution. Besides Adnan Oktar is gorgeous looking and charming.

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