
July 2, 2007

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #105

Submit the worst possible caption for this New Yorker cartoon. Click here for details. Click here to see last week's results.


"Let's get another lawn chair to go with the chaise longue, I says. No, you says, I'll just bring one out from the dining room when I want to sit by the pool. What about when it rains, I says. Oh, I'll be sure
to take it in so it never gets wet, you says. Well I hope you're happy now, cheapskate!!!" —Vance

"I just love our Frank Gehry tool shed. It's much more interesting than a pool." —Deborah

""Oh, don't let him frighten you. The Pool's just upset because I left a toddler in him overnight." —TG Gibbon

Honorable mention
"This unexpected and threatening wave is not causing me to rethink my complacent lifestyle, but rather providing me an opportunity to make droll comments." —Ed C

"Well, this ought to solve the Iraq problem. For us." —Dave

"Jesus Christ, our kids are so fucking fat." —dean @ t.a.m.s.y.

Posted by Daniel Radosh


"I just love our Frank Gehry tool shed. It's much more interesting than a pool."

The worst part about having our pool connected to the municipal sewer line is when all our neighbors flush at the same time. Great, now I'm going to get a quarter pound of fæces in my Long Island iced tea!

If it wasn't for that darn wind, I'd have no problem with my topiary Christmas trees.

"Oh, don't let him frighten you. The Pool's just upset because I left a toddler in him overnight."

"Don't worry, we'll be fine. Whatever you may think of his Philippine policy I'm sure President McKinley learned his lesson about disaster relief after Galveston."

"Ugh, there he goes again. Every time Superman reverses the rotation of the Earth I have to refill the goddamned pool."

"Surf's up, dude."

"Do you think it's because my name is Sue Nami?"

"There is a tine in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune."

"Hmn. And I always thought I'd go after being bored to death by your unimaginative sex."

"You know what's a weird word? Snorkel. Snorkel snorkel snorkel."

Jesus Christ, that's a lot of fucking blow!

Well don't be rude Philbert, wave back.

"I know he's your brother, Frank, but he's 400 goddamn pounds! Tell him: Absolutely No Cannonballs."

"It's not the extreme volatility of the water I mind, but the clearly visible bits of raw sewage."

"No, I wasn't saying 'Blah blah blah,' I was trying to warn you about the approach of the 'Blob! Blob! Blob!' Now I bet you wish you'd listened a little closer, hmmm? And come to think of it, I wish I'd gotten up from this chair."

Holy shit.

"God punishes you for green-lighting Poseidon."

"Is that...is that hair gel?"

"Is that the surge finally working?"

"I think it was a mistake to allow Morpha, the 'Giant Aquatic Amoeba' from the Water Temple in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, to live in our swimming pool."

"Zan, this is Rob. Rob's superpower is the awesome ability to avoid calling me 'Gleek' while we're having sex. Goodbye, Zan."

Very good, Zan. Your "form of a giant wave that looms over people but doesn't crash on them unless they're evil," is quite clever. But Jayna, your "shape of a swarm of insects that hover over that wave" seems pretty useless in a combat situation. Now how 'bout you both change back to human form and go get me a refill on my Tom Collins.

"I see Moses found a way to get us back after that dispute about the fence."

"I guess this means you told Noah about the vasectomy."

"My period is so locked into the moon phases that I actually cause tidal fluctuations with my vagina."

Dammit. Not only do I settle for the cheap geeky reference, but then I find someone beat me to it (and with a much better caption).

I wonder where the kids went

"I told you these were the end times."

"I'll just build a tunnel to the sea, you said. That way, we won't ever have to fill the pool ourselves, you said. And then you claimed that everyone called you mad, and you laughed maniacally. Well, who's laughing maniacally now, metaphorically I mean?"

"The towers here are chlorine."

They Abyss: The Sitcom

"This Neighborhood is so boring, I wonder what Paris Hilton is up to"

Thank god we're not in an animation.

"Do you think it's time to reshingle the roof?"

"Oh shit, I hope that's just a metaphor."

"Perhaps owning a pool is too much responsibility!"

"Maybe you should check the filter."

"Why am I not worried? Because I am the smart-and-sassy wife who is the brains of this marriage, which is plainly evidenced by my composed, laidback demeanor and sunglasses, while you are the bumbling, whitebread, suburban husband. That wave is obviously coming for you."

Your damned standing wave equations! Mom was right, I should have married Macus Welby, MD.

I got a lust for life.

No, I don't believe in global warming.

"You should really try the brownies, honey."

"This unexpected and threatening wave is not causing me to rethink my complacent lifestyle, but rather providing me an opportunity to make droll comments."

"You are the most incompetent pool boy I've ever slept with."

"Wave schmave. The real news here is that Tom Cheney's work is finally being used in a caption contest."

Oh, we got trouble
Right here in River City
With a capital 'T' and that rhymes with 'P' and that stands for 'pool'!

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn! Cthulhu fhtagn! Cthulhu fhtagn!

"So, Donald Trump asked me if he could store his hair in my yard. I tell him, sure, no problem. Little did I know how much space it would take up."

"Kowabunga, motherfucker!"

"The heavies at the poolside are okay,
But they can't match the savage surf at Waimea Bay."

"Well, this ought to solve the Iraq problem. For us."

"Honey, is 'dread' spelled with 'e' or 'ea'?" "It's spelled with 'ea' as in 'dead,' my darling."

"'John of Cincinnati' will never have the impact of 'The Sopranos.'"

"Let's get another lawn chair to go with the chaise longue, I says. No, you says, I'll just bring one out from the dining room when I want to sit by the pool. What about when it rains, I says. Oh, I'll be sure to take it in so it never gets wet, you says. Well I hope you're happy now, cheapskate!!!"

"More than the miniature tidal wave in the pool, I think the real worry here is the fact that the moon is speedily plummeting closer and closer to the earth."

Tsunami, you crazy bastard!

Yeah, I had to have that wave sculpture installed to block out the neighbors' unsightly anti-perspectival fence.

"I can't believe it! We are in a Disney cartoon. It just totally blows that it isn't animated!"

"Henry, for Christ sakes, close your legs... Geez, I can see one of your 'boys'."

"I think we have a sick pool, dear."

"We're about to get wet and it's gonna be really inconvenient."

"The showers here are obscene. Granted, not Rikers-Island-showers obscene or 'Porky's' obscene. More like culturally-barren, suburban-excess obscene."

"The showers here are marine, but the towels here are unseen."

"Tsumami, you crazy neap tide! How the swell are you?"

"Pienso que el niño está en la piscina otra vez."

"Better rub the lotion on your skin darling. I think this might be worse than the hose."

"I wish Mike Gravel would stop dropping rocks in our pool."

"I tend not to worry about these things until they actually effect me."

The weather calls for a 'Perfect Storm'. I hope you brought the garbage cans back into the garage.

"I never loved you."

"No, that one I think was from Hamas. Their aim is not quite as good."

My first entry had a typo. It should have said, "There is a TIDE in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune."

"Surf's up again- which is more than I can say for your pecker lately."

"It says here many homeowners with subprime mortgages will be swept up in a wave of foreclosures."

"All the neighbors love our pool parties except those people from Sri Lanka."

Good fucking Jack Lord! (musical cue: you know it)

Jack says the trick isn't just popping a Viagra and a Flomax together -- you have to grind up the pills and snort 'em. Then think as hard as you can about Jessica Alba. Right Jack?

"Les heures ici sont piscine."

"I don't know, dear, it has something to do with the moon, I guess."


"This must be how those Sri Lankans felt."

"Ignore him, dear, he's just starved for attention."

hahaha mypalmike, nice one.

“I wish the Johnsons would warn us before they start up their helicopter.”

“Did you hear about the earthquake in the city this morning?”

"Mind the wave, dear."

"It's your wave, Dennis... You HAD to bring it back with us from our vacation. The least you can do is feed it."


"Okay... Great trick, Moses... But I still won't sleep with you... mainly because you keep following the politics of that Bush!"

"....you know, you can tell the kids again and again not to piss in the pool........"

"Welcome to our wonderful pool.....so you balanced the chemicals, huh, genius?"

"Your mother's coming."

"I told you I wanted a shot and a splash!"

"And now you're going to imagine that wave embracing you, caressing you, loving you...as opposed to the thrashing sensation that you so unwittingly tend to bring upon yourself..."

It's a tthunami

It's your fucking ex-wife again. This time she's thrown the voodoo dolls in the bathtub.

"I told our pool was too small for that whale you stole from the lake in Central Park."

"It's not the heat so much as the laws-of-physics-defying random tidal waves."

"I had the pool worked on today by a company called TOTO- you know, they make those Washlets."

That's strange, there seems to be more water here than the pool has a capacity to hold. Hey honey, don't you find it strange that there seems to be more water here than the pool has a capacity to hold. I think that is very strange indeed.

"Okay... That probably explains why the grass keeps dying from chlorine poisoning"

"I told you it was high tide we got a pool."

Honey, have you fed the pool today?

"This Scooter Libby thing has made the pool really angry"

"Nothing exciting ever happens around here."

"Anything interesting in the paper?"

We really shouldn't be outside in our swimsuits. It's so cold that the pool is frozen... hey wait a minute, how did it freeze like that? Anyway, what I'm really trying to say is you haven't done your bikini line and it looks fucking gross.

"Wanna duck?"

"Call the landscapers to check out these dead patches in the lawn because, as I see it, the scars here are chlorine."

"The Moses family is waving to us again."

"Honey, is that a used condom?"

"Chlorine, deadly pink ooze from Ghostbusters 2, what's the difference?"

What I SAID was, "Wouldn't it be nice to do a RAVE."

"Sure it could kill us, but what I really hate is the fucking silent T."

"That's nothin'...Last year when Uncle Milty farted on the Appalachian Trail he damn near started a forest fire."

"Laura, ya think 'the Big Guy' is angry 'cause I poked ya in the behind last night?"

"...and that's how Julio's cock accidentally found its way into my virgina. If I'm lying may God strike me dead."

"What's it been...? 12 years since you built that concrete skateboarding pipeline? Please, either remove it or use it. It crumbles whenever a large truck drives by."

"You know, Harold, it seems like only yesterday that the dogs used to throw sticks at the pool waves."


"If we were going to build a pool at all, why make it only a twelve-by-twelve? Might as well have gotten a kiddie pool. So, I filled it with lard. At least this way we can roll around in it, sensuous-like."

"Christ, what an asshole. Get me Jerry Bruckheimer on the phone. Just because my house is right next to the studio does not mean he can end all his car chase scenes in my pool!"

"I have had it with these motherfucking tsunamis in this motherfucking pool!"

I give up. How does a swimming pool say goodbye?

"Honey, look, I'm about to get as wet as I did back when I still found you attractive."

"I know IKEA's assembly manuals are confusing, but you really fucked up the half-pipe."

"Jesus Christ, our kids are so fucking fat."

"I guess I won't have to douche today."

"Goddamn ancient Indian burial ground."

"Yes, Carl, I'm aware of the big wave in the little pool. I'm also aware of the major asshole in the little chair. Now go peel me a grape."

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to pay the pool guy again."

"It's a good thing we're wearing our bathing suits. Well, in my case, a one-piece. And in your case, board-shorts more suitable to a teenager than an aging day-trader. "

"Looks like Al Gore was right--and it’s all Cheney’s fault!"

"Can’t you ever tear yourself away from the Tube?"

" I hate it when we invite Poseidon and Amphitrite over. Do they think we don't know they're having sex in the pool?"

"If nothing else, that wave will break our awkward silence. "

"It’s your turn to read on the wet spot.”

"Isn't that cute, the pool's waving at us?"

"The sun's gone behind the pool again."

"Honey, could you fetch me a towel?"

"Sorcerer Mickey really doesn't know when to stop"

You pee in the pool enough times, eventually the pool gets pissed off."

"Goddamn fucking global warming!"

You never use the halfpipe anymore.


Well, I can't say I seen London, and I never been to France, and I ain't never seen no queen in her damn undies as the fella says. But I'll tell you what--I guess I'm seen somethin' ever' bit as stupefyin' as ya'd see in any a those other places, and in English too, so I can die with a smile on my face without feelin' like the good Lord gypped me.

Don't worry. I Super-Glued your ass to the lawn chair.

The installation guys said that if this happens to either call them or sacrifice a goat.

"Would it have killed you to put in a house? All the neighbors have houses."

"I used to be terrified of drowning in a tsunami, but as I sit here reading Arianna Huffington's 'On Becoming Fearless,' I find that I am oddly calm."

"I can understand paying $20 extra for a U2 iPod, but did you really have to waste money on a Beach Boys' Pet Sounds 40th anniversary California-style pool?"

"Watch out for the Under Toad, Garp."

Oh, like in Asia.

"See? Now I bet you wish you had a hat on too."

On the bright side, it's Cheney not Addams, so at least it's water and not boiling oil.

"Sorry, I dropped a box of Tide in the pool. Tomorrow I'm going to put in some fish and keep dropping in boxes of Era until they start evolving."


"He said that if we don't fight tidal waves abroad, they'll follow us home."

"Hon, can you get me a glass of ice water?"

WIFE: Do you believe in acid flashbacks?
HUBBY: Not sure... gimme a sec.

"YOU'RE the one who said it would be cool to rent a house from Stephen King."

-"Talk dirty to me".
-"ohbaby ohbaby, I'm so wet".
-"Doesn't sound realistic".

Oh no, I'd just dried myself.

I think you should at least put some ice on that whisky, hon.

Time to cut the grass, hubby.

Fawell said it's fault of the homossexual behind that bush.

"Relax Todd, it's a two-week wave."

"I can just see the FEMA red tape nightmare now."

"Aw shit, I knew I should have bought that surfboard."

"Global warming, blah, blah, blah."

"On the internet, no one knows you're a tsunami."

"What is the difference between 'crump' and 'crunk'?"

"Fuck you, Al Gore."

"I wonder if I'll be dead before I can get in a droll comment about how much the Hamptons suck."

"I don't know-- it doesn't FEEL like an inconvenient truth."

"It's about time something came down on top of me."

"Honey, look, the giant tidal wave of discontent washing over our marriage has externalized itself."

"Upon reflection, I suppose it WAS a terrible idea to put an ancient artifact like Moses's walker on the far side of the pool, given the present consequences. Then again, I'm a smug woman of moneyed privilege summering in the Hamptons, so fuck off."

"You say it's terrorism? I say it's Con Edisism."

"Ah--that must be the subway."

"I shelled out $15,000.00 for this damnable, berserk, wave-making pool...... I retired early and moved to Scottsdale....... I married HER ..... I fell on my head at birth when that damn masked woman dropped me !"

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