
May 27, 2007

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #101

Submit the worst possible caption for this New Yorker cartoon. Click here for details. Click here to see last week's results.


"Help! A young boy started a doughnut on fire!" —LV

"All right, you boys know the drill. It's twenty bucks apiece, don't make a mess on the window, and be careful not to fall. Sorry, Father, no more credit till you pay off your tab. Okay! So who's ready to watch me fuck my wife?!" (Historical factoid: before the internet, if you wanted to watch someone fuck his wife, you had to hang out on a building ledge and it cost $20.) —Ogdred

"Sorry, I'm looking for an astronaut, a judge, and a graphic designer." —TG Gibbon

Honorable mention
"As a taxpaying citizen, I demand that at least two of you get back to work right now." —J

"Thanks for screwing up the joke; you assholes were supposed to walk into a bar."—JohnnyB

"Okay, now when I say 'Go!', all three of you jump, and we'll find out once and for all which of you God likes best."—Tim C.

"I got good news and bad news. The good news is I know a guy who will pay you each $10,000,000 if you can play anything resembling baseball. The bad news is that it's George Steinbrenner." —Tim H

"It's OK, the EPA has assured us that your exposure to harmful inhalants on 'The Pile' will not significantly affect your life expectancy."—jamie

"Hey fellas, wanna hear a great joke? A fireman, a cop, and a priest walk onto a ledge. The priest says, 'hey, what are we doing here?' So the cop says, 'I don't know, I was just following this fireman.' Then the fireman says, 'Some guy with no legs told me there was a good view from here.' Then the guy with no legs pushed them all off the edge, and they fell to their deaths." —Harry

"Lindsay turns 21 in one month, fellas. We need you all at the top of your games." —Kevin Guilfoile

"Wait! I have a confession to make! The fireman can listen too, though it doesn't really concern him." —Walt

Posted by Daniel Radosh


"Thanks for talking me down. By the way, I think that ledge is more unstable than I am."

"Thanks for screwing up the joke; you assholes were supposed to walk into a bar."

"Yes, I respect you first-responders, but at least wait until the plane hits the building. What? Still too soon?"

"Don’t jump. I know a doctor who can reconstruct our noses and eyebrows. We can live normal lives."

"Life DOES have a point, guys. Life has many points. The points, applied with varying density, add shading and texture to our lives. Father, you more than anyone should understand that pointillism is the foundation of our existence."

Don't bother jumping. The building is about to collapse so we are all going to die anyway.

"Nine-eleven, nine-eleven, nine-eleven, nine-eleven."

Why do I have to be the one to jump first? It's because I've got no goddamn legs, isn't it? 'Oh, no one will miss Milton...he's only half a man.' You know what? Fuck you guys! This is bullshit!

Hey, cool! You guys are committing suicide? Can I watch? I promise to be quiet. Hey! Are you gonna jump one at a time or all together? Oh, fuck! I just thought of something! Hang on while I get my video camera! This shit will rocket to #1 on YouTube! I'll be so popular! Maybe Connie in accounting will finally go out with me! Seriously, dudes, I think you guys killing yourselves might be the best thing that ever happened to me!

"Well, you all helped me, but if I had to choose, I'd pick the priest telling me that he'd lost all faith in God or an afterlife. After that, suicide seemed... I dunno. Unappealing."

Convention's inside, dudes.

"When your number is called, step forward and repeat the phrase, Hand-me-the-keys, you-fucking-cock-sucker."

All right, you boys know the drill. It's twenty bucks apiece, don't make a mess on the window, and be careful not to fall. Sorry, Father, no more credit till you pay off your tab. Okay! So who's ready to watch me fuck my wife?!

(Historical factoid: before the internet, if you wanted to watch someone fuck his wife, you had to hang out on a building ledge and it cost $20.)

What up, bitches?

"As a taxpaying citizen, I demand that at least two of you get back to work right now."

The minister at a wedding on the 4th floor has just been set on fire. Maybe your trip to this building won't be a total loss after all.

"Father, I'm going to have to insist you stand on the other side of the window, so as to properly observe the separation of church and state."

"Okay, so remember: when my wife, distraught after I explain how I've been unfaithful to her for years and finally decided I had to tell her about it since I could no longer live with the guilt, and who has serious problems with depression to start with, climbs out on the ledge to kill herself, you all shout, 'Surprise! Happy birthday!'"

Wait wait, don't tell me...triplets!

"Yes, I'm as confused as you are about how I, whom you came out on the ledge to persuade to return indoors, am now indoors, while you are still outside, despite the fact that there's no obvious way that I could have gotten past all of you. Although there's always the possibility that you came out to talk my identical twin out of committing suicide, and he jumped just when I came in and distracted you by opening this window. Have I mentioned that I have a suicidal identical twin?"

Hi...I am a rabbi and you know what, we have the makings of a good joke here.

It's cool now, guys. My wife just left.

It's cool now, guys. My wife just left.

It's cool now, guys. My wife just left.

Is this where the 'Acrophobia Support Group' meets?

"Okay, now when I say 'Go!', all three of you jump, and we'll find out once and for all which of you God likes best."

And then...the Texan grabs the Mexican and throws him out of the plane and yells "remember the Alamo!"...funny huh, guys? guys? Don't you think that's funny??

"Get the fuck off my ledge."

"I don't understand the caption judging either, but I'm not going to kil myself over it."

Would it help if I told you that suicidal despair is a byproduct of the dust you inhaled while attending to the victims of the September 11th attacks?

Hey, I agree Melinda should've made the finals, but she'll still have a career. You guys are over-reacting.

If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?

Screw this, there's nothing funny about suicide. But if you'll take a second to forward this to the fulfillment department, my New Yorkers have been arriving on Friday and the covers are a mess. I've spoken to the Post Office and they say it's your problem. I'd also like David Remnick to speak to our Rotary Club.

Screw this, there's nothing funny about suicide. But if you'll take a second to forward this to the fulfillment department, my New Yorkers have been arriving on Friday and the covers are a mess. I've spoken to the Post Office and they say it's your problem. I'd also like David Remnick to speak to our Rotary Club.

"Second prize--2 weeks in Philadelphia."

There is a criminal in here who has set fire to the clothing of a 12-year-old boy. Can you help?

While we're waiting for the Construction Worker and the Indian Chief, let's try a few bars of "Macho Man" ... but take extra care with the choreography.

What do you know? I envisioned it -- and ... The Secret works!

I'm Charles Nelson Riley's body double. Do you suppose there's any room for me out there?

"You're too late, guys. He already jumped."

"Oh, hi, Clark. Say, your hero costume is showing a bit beneath your suit. I'm sorry - is that still a secret?"

As your physician, I must inform you that a diagnosis of avian flu doesn't mean you can fly like a bird. It just means your lungs will painfully fill with fluid and you're going to die.

Fellas, c'mon, it was a fart. A particularly juicy fart, but a simple, after-lunch fart nonetheless. Let's just let the building's ventilation system do its job.

"If you'll look around the corner of the builing, you'll see the top of a huge mushroom cloud over New Jersey. The shcokwave should knock you off the ledge in a minute or so."

Padre, you wanna scoot over? I've got a subpoena for Officer Krupke here -- something about a coerced confession.

We're all four of us white. What are the odds?

"Did you ever know that you're my hero, and everything I would like to be?"

One of you happen to be an organ donor?

Father O'Malley, it appears you failed to initial the second set of revisions to your suicide pact, so I cannot counsel you that it's still valid and binding.

Let's see. Touched boys? Beat suspects? Looted burning buildings? ... This is a first in my career as a suicide counselor, but I'm going to have to urge all three of you to jump.

Twenty bucks to the one who lands on the hot dog vendor.

"Scuse me fellas, but do any of you happen to know what time the number 9 bus will be running?"

Did anyone order a pizza?

"You think you've got it bad? I'm a double amputee!"

"And so the accountant says to the fireman, 'Hey, that's not a sin or a crime; that's a fucking tax deduction!' Get it? The priest is a pedophile... Well, my accountant buddies always laugh at that one anyhow."

You guys know "YMCA?"

"Say, are you the guys who have been stippling our building?"

"Guys, I wouldn't worry, seeing as how that ledge is only two feet from the ground."

"Check it out - there's a jumbo jet coming this direction flying unusually low."

"I got good news and bad news. The good news is I know a guy who will pay you each $10,000,000 if you can play anything resembling baseball. The bad news is that it's George Steinbrenner."

Where's the sea captain? I left him right here.

Dan Hollister, attorney for the pigeons. This injunction means they want their ledge back.

Sure, it's a small balcony, but split four ways, this is a lease we can all afford!

Give me five minutes to change into the ballerina costume. Then they'll have to put us on the news.

Guys, guys, none of us could have stopped Cho.

"It could be worse. You guys could be hanging onto that sideways building in Anti-Caption Contest # 79."

"You all realize, of course, that the moment a priest, a policeman and a fireman jump off a building it will thereafter be known -- throughout the English-speaking world -- as 'a Mankoffing'."

Is this where I catch the crosstown Zeppelin?

"Yankee fans?"

Art Linkletter said his daughter ran into this closet.

I knew the Flying Grimbaldis had day jobs.

"Hi, I'm from Fox News. If you guys can hang on a few minutes we want to go live so Sean Hannity can ask why you hate America."

Anyone seen that apple pie my mom left cooling on the window sill here?

If you guys are serious the second floor isn't where you want to be.

If you could stay on the sidewalk, that's my green Sentra and I just had it detailed.

I'd join you, but I have vertigo. I'll just blow my brains out in here.

"Hello. My name's Galileo, and I'd like to thank you all for volunteering for my little experiment."

"My legs are inside the building, and my torso is outside the building, and yet my body is completely vertical. It's an Escher thing. Are you guys committing suicide?"

"Can't you see me standing here? I've got my back against the record machine."

"Please, don't be afraid. Where I come from, everyone is crosshatched. But otherwise, we're just like you. We work hard, try to raise our children right.... We just want a chance to make it in Stippleland like everyone else. It's not like we're Negroes or something."

"Last one down is a rotten egg."

"Your shirt's on backwards."

Can I join your club?

"Usually you see the police, the fire department, and perhaps a clergyman talking a suicidal man in a business suit off a ledge. Today it is the other way around. Ha-ha-ha."

"Don't do it, you each have a lot to live for."

"Oh, hi -- I didn't realize there would be a line."

Hey, I'm going to run to get a bagel and coffee. Anyone want anything?

It's safe now. I killed the spider.

How's life 'on the edge'?


"My name is Toulouse-Lautrec and I would love to sketch you."

"Where are the Indian and the construction worker? Sorry, guys, but when I hire the Village People to commit suicide, I want all the Village People or the deal's off."

sorry, didn't see the previous Village People captions before I posted. My bad.

"This is the best St. Patrick's Day ever!"

"It's okay, I found my contact lens."

"Seriously? You guys live together on a houseboat? How cool is that! Do you solve crimes, too?"

"Sorry, I'm looking for an astronaut, a judge, and a graphic designer."

"Go on, you're free now! Fly away home!"

"The first one to make it all the way around the building will be entitled to five hundred thousand dollars and my unfaithful wife. On your mark..."

"What? The city has been indiscriminately littered with magnetic shavings? This could only be the work of the fiendish Wooly Willy!"

I'm sure The New Yorker will pick your captions next time. You guys are the epitome of "droll".

"The elevator's fixed."

"It's OK, the EPA has assured us that your exposure to harmful inhalants on 'The Pile' will not significantly affect your life expectancy."

"Have any of you seen the window washer? I'd like a word with him."

"Do you mind if I tape this for 'America's Funniest Home Videos'?"

"Hey fellas, wanna hear a great joke? A fireman, a cop, and a priest walk onto a ledge. The priest says, 'hey, what are we doing here?' So the cop says, 'I don't know, I was just following this fireman.' Then the fireman says, 'Some guy with no legs told me there was a good view from here.' Then the guy with no legs pushed them all off the edge, and they fell to their deaths."

I've been told that on a clear day you can see forever.

Just kidding... I am not really gay.

So this is what they mean by Sophie's Choice.

"First responders, I'll say! - I just hung up with the hotline!"

I just ask one thing of each of you: Please, leave a beautiful corpse.

Good effort guys, but he actually just shot himself.

"My legs are hanging through the ceiling of the apartment below; is that a crime, a need for extrication, or cause for religious counseling?"

Anti-Caption Contest #79 reference #2: "Just be really careful about the elevator shaft when you come back inside."

No no- I think you SHOULD do it. I'm just saying, I think you'll look much cuter if you're holding hands.

Think of the hurt you're about to cause. Please come back inside.

Oh great, if you three jump, then who the hell am I supposed to call?

"I'm really sorry I farted, fellas. Please come back in."

"You can threaten all you want, but I am NOT going to put that Indian suit back on."

"How long have you been out here? If it looked like I was masturbating in there -- heh heh -- I wasn't. Ahmmmm. I was cold and trying to start a friction fire with my johnson. Yeah, that't ist. Heh heh."

"Lindsay turns 21 in one month, fellas. We need you all at the top of your games."

If you're all going to jump anyhow, can I have your hat and boots, your badge and gun, and your treasure in the Kingdom of Heaven?

Wait! I have a confession to make! The fireman can listen too, though it doesn't really concern him.

Now stand still while I tattoo Batman symbols on your asses through the holes in the wall, and I'll give you the next letter of the place I buried those little girls alive.

The two of you who collect the most flags on the way down will make it into the finals.

"Budget cuts?"

"Better to be legless then ledgeless, that's what I always say"

"Gentlemen, gentlemen, you don't have to jump. We can have good, clean public-employees unions where a fellow can make an honest buck for an honest day's work, with no favoritism or gouging or sandbagging, just respect for the working man. All we have to do is stick together and stand up to the . . . wait . . . here's Karl Malden dressed as a priest. He'll explain it to you."

"Did you guys hear about The New Yorker cartoonist with hemophilia? He tried to cure himself with acupuncture."

"Who ever picked last week's anti-caption winner, please take a step forward."

"Psst! I didn't jump! I'm in here!Heh heh."

"Psst! I didn't jump! I'm in here!Heh heh."

“Of course, the sex with 70 virgins won’t apply to you, Father O’Malley.”

"Do it! Through spectacle suicide you'll inherit a level of fame and notoriety none of you could even dream of achieving within the confines of your sad everyday lives."

"Um, I mean I wouldn't say any of you have like a fantastic reason to go on living . . . "

I felt the need to warn you: our ledge is a clip-on.

I've come to say goodbye to the Ledge Boys, fellas. The Supercuts Barbershop quartet had an opening for a baritone, *and* they pay benefits.

"The good news is, this is gonna be ledgenday."

I know, having two sex in the city ripoffs next season sounds like crazy talk, but the programming execs know what they are doing.

"Let me be the first to say the towers here are obscene."

"Help! A young boy started a doughnut on fire!"

Has anyone seen my foot cart?

Were you guys standing there the whole time I was performing an abortion while shredding my overdue parking tickets and lighting the office on fire?

In my defense, Simon only said "look to your right," not "slip off and die."

"Okay, your bachelorette is ready. Sorry about the waiting room, but the network budget cuts, you know."

"Did you know that suicide is self-medication for depression?"

"So I take it you've all met the tiger on the filing cabinet."

"We're all white and we're all men - that's sooooooo New Yorker."

"I'm a shrink - what of it?"

Hey fellas, dealing with pigeonshit was bad enough. But priestshit, copshit, and firemanshit? The pedestrians are complaining more than ever.

I'm not wearing any pants, so if I start to slip, please please please grab my genitals. In fact, just to be on the safe side, why don't you grab them right now. All three of you. We could even go back into the lounge where it's cozier.

Sorry, but this is the office of Crosshatch Jackets - all Stipple Jacket afficionados go up against the wall! We are quite nazi like that.

Excuse me guys, but I had left a written "MANKOFF" on the corner of this ledge...you didn't happen to accidentally kick it off, did you? I'm specifically looking at the fireman guy right now.

"So, on the count of 'three.' Ready? 'ONE. TWO...'"

"Screw this guys, they have a better competition upstairs--one with celebrities!"

The doctor wins because when I said "Simon says jump" and only one of you listened.

The doctor wins because when I said "Simon says jump" only one of you listened.

"But you have so much to live for! You just need, you know...a more modern tailor."

"I know that surviving 9/11 really effected you guys, but this isn't the answer."

“Can you guys show me the quickest way to 34th Street?”

By "long-A" I was referring phonetically, not temporally -- more like "A" as in "save" rather than "a" for a long time so it's like "Y...M...C...A," not "Y...M...C...Aaaaaaaaaahh!"

"Oh, who are the people in your neighborhood?
In your neighborhood?
In your neighborhood?
Say, who are the people in your neighborhood?
The people that you meet each day?"

This is the 33rd floor of WEST 56th st...

"Have you guys thought about how the image of your brains splattered all over the sidewalk will haunt the dreams of the smaller children watching below?"

"Look, you don't win an anti-caption contest by dyin for your cliché, you win it by makin some other dumb bastard die for his! Now come back inside."

"Gentlemen, the wizard will see you now. Today he's granting a brain, a heart, and courage to lust after consenting adults- you guys sort out who gets what."

"...and when you feel my hand, cough."

"You're right. It is fun to stay here. But standing on the ledges is against our safety policies."

Anti-Caption Contest #72 reference #1:

"He's on a high-wire at the other end of the building. I wouldn't worry though. I think he just went out for coffee."

"Absolutely. Your life insurance policies definitely cover suicide."

"All right, look: NOBODY gets the couch. You'll all sit in chairs until you can agree to take turns. Public service scmublic service. Jesus! Oh, sorry father."

You can come back inside. Dr. Kevorkian has been released from prison.

"Thank you Mario, Luigi, and a priest! But our princess is in another castle!"

Alright, when you hear Mayor Giuliani say "9/11" to the reporters, you come in from the window, smiling, alright?

Can I have your tee time tomorrow?

"Why not write your memoirs instead? You could still have your life flash before your eyes (just a lot slower), still be alive, and maybe even make a few bucks. And if you lied a lot you could be on Oprah."

"Why not write your memoirs instead? You could still have your life flash before your eyes (just a lot slower), still be alive, and maybe even make a few bucks. And if you lied a lot you could be on Oprah."


"Come inside, fellows. This isn't funny."

"Lighten up--it's St. Patrick's Day!" [apologies to Gibbon]

"I'm sorry--the nest-building class was cancelled after the teacher flew off with Jeff Cronin."

"The carpet's dry now."

"Oh really, you're triplets are you? That must have been expensive for your parents, three extra mouths to feed, three sets of clothes, what with hand me downs being being rather quick in route down to the youngest. Yes must have been expensive, indeed, from the look of you all, it doesn't look like they could afford a decent education for the three of you either. Anyway, do you mind awfully if I shut this window, it's terribly draughty."

"Quite why the architect decided to place windows on he floor is anyone's guess. Daft if you ask me, but the cat seems to like it."

"So let me get this straight, the vicar came up here to talk the bloke down, the policeman came to save the vicar from the roman catholic, and you pushed the fucker off?"

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