
February 26, 2007

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #88

Submit the worst possible caption for this New Yorker cartoon. Click here for details. Click here to see last week's results.


"Brains! Brains! No, not DOG brains. Is your owner home?" —Deborah

"We're here for your owner's wake. It was our honor and privilege to have worked with your best friend over these past fifteen years. I'm very sorry for your loss." —David John

"No, we're not Hare Krishnas who went to the trouble of disguising ourselves. That's ridiculous krishna krishna hare hare." —nell

Honorable mention
"Are you surprised to see me Mr. Anderson, or do you find the script to The Matrix: RE/MAX easier to follow than I do?" —Kevin Guilfoile

"Hello -- I can see you looking through the mail slot. I read your casual encounters ad on Craigslist and dressed up just like you said. Apparently I'm not the only one. Could you please call off your dog? It's making me nervous and I having a hard time maintaining my erection when I'm nervous." —Francis

"Sure, we're NP-hard, but are we NP-complete? —jb

"Master we have returned. You were correct. With the right sales team, you most certainly can sell dog shit to the American public." —al in la

"I know what you're thinking. What's with the look-a-likes right? Well you know that myth that all asian men look alike, well i'm not sure if we're Asian but we do have the same taste in meat if you catch my drift." —Grant

"I was an actor. Wile E. Coyote was just a role I played. I'm retired now. What are you people, morons?"—J.D.

Posted by Daniel Radosh


I got in line at 7 freaking AM - when does this stupid gang bang start?

Pssst...okay, so on the count of three, you tear that assclown Morgan's throat out - he's two spots behind me - that'll teach that motherfucker to leave his lasagna in the office fridge!

Hello Dog, would like to buy and Acme?

"This totally sucks - the only house on the block without a doorbell and this dog is preventing me from making my quota!"

"Come on you stupid dog - I just wanted to stick my dick in the mail slot."

"What's that girl? Timmy's stuck in the old mine?"

Here, doggie. All those orders on the Internet... we never knew.

"Is it true, Lassie? Anna Nicole has passed away?"

Go ahead, sniff our butts. I bet you still can't tell us apart...

"Between you and me, Cesar Millan is a fucking asshole."

"You can kill me, but more will come!"

"Is the coyote of the house available?"

Just knock me over backwards and your work is done.

"Hello, I'm just going to assume you're a talking dog and ask if you're interested in purchasing some time-lapse photography equipment."

"And that's the story of the malfunction down at the cloning laboratory. Anyway, gotta go. Can't stand around talking to dogs all day!"

"Hi. Can we use your bathroom?"

Every day the same thing: I put on this stupid hat and try to peddle a briefcase full of useless crap to whatever angry bitch answers the door, and the whole time the competition just crawling up my ass...

"Are you the dog that built a better mousetrap? I'm here to sell you some liability insurance."

Okay fellas, as soon as I can entice ol' Fido here to start humping my leg, the rest of you rush in for the sell...

In contrast to Bob Barker, Howie Mandell gives you a deal or no deal option on the neutering thing.

(From the back of the line)
"Hurry up, Joe! Just make friends with him! Bend over and let him sniff your butt!!"

"Okay, boys, staring him down doesn't seem to be working. Why don't we all just go home, lay on the couch and admit that we are unskilled and tragically annoying morons?"

"Aw jeez. I know I've said it a thousand times, but I'll say it a thousand more: May Kenneth Lay smoke a turd in Hell for what he's done to us..."

"Are you the bitch with all the pimples?"

Damn it, the Jehova's witnesses have already been here.

"Yeah, well... the law of large numbers says you will buy some cutlery"

"Chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga WOO-WOOOOOOOOO!!!"

"Are you surprised to see me Mr. Anderson, or do you find the script to The Matrix: RE/MAX easier to follow than I do?""

No, little doggie, I'm not here to sell anything, and of course I'm alone.

"Social Services cleverly disguised as salesmen, thank God! If they keep me home from school one more day and force me to dress up in this weird dog costume, I'll never make it out of the first grade."

"Brains! Brains! No, not DOG brains. Is your owner home?"

Sure, we're NP-hard, but are we NP-complete ?

"As a matter of fact, we do evolve slowly on my planet. Why do you ask?"

"If you're over 49, you really should consider long-term life insurance."


"I think he might be a spaniel/Australian shepherd mix."

"We're here to teach you the true meaning of 'purebred'."

"You may bite one of us. You may bite a hundred of us. But we will keep coming. The women will remove our bleeding bodies. With every bite, your moral standing in the eyes of the world will fall. And in the end, British colonial rule will fall too."

"I understand that while dogs do not see in color, strictly speaking, the augment given to their understanding of the world by their wonderful smelling power gives them the ability to 'see' the world in four dimensions. Bark once for yes, Rags."

"W0tz up, Biotech."

"Have you seen my sister's boyfriend? White guy, about my height, fedora and raincoat. No glasses."

Predicted real-life winner: "Acme 'Sales.' We've come about the cat problem."

"Is T.A. Winchler home?"

Would you mind pooping in concentric circles into each of our briefcases? The factory is short on fake doody concentrate, so we're moving into a real doody line.

"What can I tell you? The word has gotten out about the randiness of this bonsai farmer's daughter."

"Hi, dog! I'm from Acme Sales. The guy behind me is from Acme Tales. I don't know about the others."

"Hello, Link! Would you like to buy directions out of the Twilight Realm so you can return to your human form?"

The traveling salesman problem has been solved. Unfortunately, it has led to the "horde of salesmen all following the same route at the same time" problem.

[Inspired by jb.]

"Oh, for Christ's sake! When I left this morning this bag said 'Lease Scam'!"

"Well hello birthday boy! Your master mustlove you very much."

Woof woof woof arf woof.
Arf woof arf growl arf grumble -
woof woof arf woof growl.

- "Woof", a haiku about salesmen, by Fido © 2007.

Not again. I'll bet you ordered a bunch of bones, not clones. That damned answering service is going to hear from me, and me, and me, and me, and me, and me, and me, and...

I'm TK and so is everybody else.

I work alone.

Oui, eet eeze troo. I am zee dog who speaks wiz zee Franche acksant. Now eef yue will be so kind as to pay your five doughlures for ziss playzure of talking whiz me and kindlee step aside so zee next Homme d'Acme may have zee playzure, I will zank yue beaucoup.

Yes. I am the dingo that ate the baby. You are the first in a long line of Acme Salesmen who found where I actually live. Please don't tell the authorities. I'm not up to date on my rabies vaccine, either. You don't have any infants in that briefcase by any chance do you? It's past lunchtime.

...besides he never did trap the Road Runner, so I know all you guys sell useless crap.

Yes, here are all fifty shipments of "Acme Sales" brand cat poison.

".... which reminds me of the narcoleptic, agnostic, dyslexic who stayed awake all night pondering the existence of Dog."

We were all staying in the odd-numbered rooms of the hotel with the infinite number of rooms, down the street. Now, for some reason, we've all been sent here for the night. I guess even Martin Gardner screws up sometimes.

Oh, yeah, my father lived many years in Alaska . . . he was an adventurous man . . . we've got quite a little streak of self-reliance in our family. I thought I'd go out with my older brother and try to locate him, and maybe settle in the North with the old man. And I was almost decided to go, when I met a salesman in the Parker House. His name was Dave Singleman. And he was eighty-four years old, and he'd drummed merchandise in thirty-one states. And old Dave . . . he'd go up to his room, y' understand, put on his green velvet slippers — I'll never forget — and pick up his phone and call the buyers and without ever leaving his room, at the age of eighty-four, he made his living. And when I saw that, I realized that selling was the greatest career a man could want. 'Cause what could be more satisfying than to be able to go, at the age of eighty-four, into twenty or thirty different cities, and pick up a phone, and be remembered and loved and helped, by so many different people? Do you know, when he died — and by the way he died the death of a salesman, in his green velvet slippers in the smoker of the New York, New Haven and Hartford, going into Boston — but when he died, hundreds of salesmen and buyers were at his funeral. Things were sad on a lotta trains for months after that. (Pause.) See what I mean? In those days there was personality in it, Princess Ruffles; there was respect, and comradeship, and gratitude in it. Today, it's all cut and dried, and there's no chance for bringing friendship to bear . . . or personality. They don't know me any more.

Hi honeys, we're homogeneous!

Could I speak with the bitch of the house please?

"We're here for your owner's wake. It was our honor and privilege to have worked with your best friend over these past fifteen years. I'm very sorry for your loss."

If I enlist all the other salesmen to gang up and beat the dog to death, I may no longer be the first to get the door, but I'll have a much better chance of reaching the door at all. Thus, holding my position at the front of the line is not a Nash equilibrium, while ganging up and attacking the dog is. Sorry doggy: Game Theory proves that you are going to die.

Look, you asshole. Being the first salesman in line, you'll be beaten to death by the other salesmen long before they worry about me. Game Theory proves it. Maybe your Nash equilibrium needs a new gyroscope shoved up your ass, eh? As a child, did you light a lot of fires? I bet you're a cannibal, right? Run off before I grab your balls and rip them off, you cold, disgusting bastard.

"But, unlike Lick-O-The-Irish, Lick-No-More, and Lickity Split, the Acme Lickmaster licks your balls for you."

"I'm so sorry to hear about your scrotum. Anyway, keep away from snakes snakes snakes snakes snakes snakes snakes from now on on on on on on on on."

Hi. We're from Acme Home Sales. We've sold 30% of every house on this block.

We figure after about 50 sales pitches, you'll be unconscious.

The answer is "Man." You know that riddle is thousands of years old, right? All the dudes behind me probably know it too.

"Could I interest you, my good dog, in the advantages of our 103-step program?"

Salesman: "Each of us is here to sell you a roof shingle, something that is sorely needed on all the homes in this neighborhood."

Dog: "Roof."

Salesman: "OK, boys. Looks like we got ourselves a sale."

"Correct us if we're wrong. But doesn't this town have a 'Maslin-Scooper' law on the books?"

"Aw fuck. They've got a dog."

"Aren't you supposed to be surfing the Internet, cartoon dog?"

"I am Spartacus! The guy behind me is Dave. Then Kevin, Juan, and... dang it! Sorry, man, I'm blanking... Blake! Right. I don't know why I can never remember that."

I know what you're thinking. What's with the look-a-likes right? Well you know that myth that all asian men look alike, well i'm not sure if we're asian but we do have the same taste in meat if you catch my drift.

"Yes, Hi. We're here to see last week's winner. Could you please get off your lazy ass and go retrieve, dawg."

(And yes I realive "Acme" is not the same as "Acne." So enough with the emails!!)

Go forth and bring me the head of the one called Acme.

"OK, let's see...the last guy can see all the hats except his own, so if all the hats were white, he'd know his own is black, but he doesn't announce his hat color, so not all hats are white...or maybe every other hat is white? Hold on, are there an odd or even number of salesmen? Crap, I'm not getting this job, am I?"

Just imagine how much more efficient you'll be with the new Acme Clone-o-Matic!

“Gosh, he’s been in there an awful long time, don’t you think? How many tries do they let you have? You wouldn’t think that – well, it’s a Fuller brush, right? Lodged in an anvil? A few quick tugs, you should know whether or not you could pull it out. There’s no sense going at it forever. The guy before didn’t take nearly as long, now, did he? In and out. But this has been – what? Ten? Fifteen minutes? And nothing, nothing. I mean, I hope everything’s all right in there. That no one got hurt. I do wish everyone the best. It’s just that we’ve all been waiting out here such a very long time, and we all deserve a chance. Sure, maybe – ha ha! – maybe, that was him. He did have that chosen look about him, didn’t he, ha ha. Ha. Oh, God. That’s it, isn’t it? He’s in there, waving the brush around whilst everyone bows down and... and... I should have known I wasn’t the Rightwise President Born of Acme Sales. Mum always said I wouldn’t amount to anything. I don’t know why I even bother.”

"My keen canine sense of smell tells me you are uncircumsized, and that delights me."

"We'd like to show you our line of portable Blow-up Bitches: Toy and Terrier Breeds."

"I come from a long line of traveling salesmen, of which I'm the tallest."

"All together now, gentlemen: 'WALKIES!'"

"Aw, come on. Please let me in - I know I've used up my five captions but my sixth is really, really going to rock!"

"Please tell Ms. Noda that we're ready."

Yeah, but mine are non-fat and taste like kitten

"Can I assume you've heard this pitch before."

"Would you agree to let me sell you to a Korean diner?"

"I was an actor. Wile E. Coyote was a just role I played. I'm retired now. What are you people, morons?"

"Really? Who only has one dog anymore?"

Shoulda coulda woulda said " ... just a role I played ... " (like it matters).

"Yeah, right, don't look behind me. Like I haven't heard that a thousand times before."

"This management consultant once told us that at a lot of good companies, all the top brass spends one day a month working at the bottom of the corporate ladder to see how the business was really run. Today they're all with me. Though, somehow, I don't think this is what the consultant meant.

That's right, a union! There's a dog just like you on every stoop of every house as far as the eye can see! Imagine the collective bargaining power we'll have if we all...work...TOGETHER!

"Affirmative Action, my ass!"

"Sorry buddy, the Wife Swap casting call is on 6th Avenue."

"Smellmyassforadollar says what?"

"So I'm really gonna be able to lick my own balls after this?"

Hey, Daniel, I notice that my honorable mention from last week lost its italics when it was listed at the top. Does that mean we should avoid formatting in these?

[Not a caption submission, though it's not bad, actually...]

Rubrick -- no, it was better with the itals, but I had like two minutes to finally get around to posting the results and putting in tags seemed like more trouble than it was worth. I have two more minutes now, so maybe I'll go back and do it.

Also not a caption submission.

But since I'm here: anyone who accuses me of playing favorites doesn't get to win the contest...

"Listen pooch, you bark one time and one time only for each of us when we knock on the door. Understood? Thanks, now go get your owner for me."

“Well, Scraps, would you like to see some photos of the last dog that tried to block our entrance?”

"What do you mean, 'I couldn't sell fried chicken in Harlem?'"

"I'm telling you dawg, we're here for you. We're the "acme dawg bonz" sales force that'll bone the competition, dawg."

"A burgler alarm won't make you obsolete. Can an alarm wag its tail when his master comes home? Curl up at his feet? Lick peanut butter from his balls?"

"Oh, you thought this was a talking dog joke. No, no, no, it's a traveling salesman joke."

"No, we're not Hare Krishnas who went to the trouble of disguising ourselves. That's ridiculous krishna krishna hare hare."

Acme Sales -- we won't take 'no' for an answer.


"Hi, I'm Harry Marshall with Acme Sales. And these are my twelve obsessive roommates whose twin brothers all died at birth. Is your owner home?"

Why, this is an eminently ridculous situation. There are dozens of identical people lined up behind me, and here I am talkng to you-- a dog!

"I know. A mail slot, a rounded door, a handle instead of a knob, and yes he calls me 'Spuds McKenzie' what can I say, but the guy is a traditionalist."

"Our air fresheners are guaranteed to kill any odor caused by pets or humans. You know, Caucasians. You don't have a maid or anything, do you?"

"I had a pet Blowfish once. I sure do miss her."

"Did you know this machine say's... Hello Dave?"

"I'm Willy Loman and I was wondering if I could die here."

It's ok, I don't live here I'm just taking a shit on the porch.

"The old woman who lives in a shoe. Surely you know her. The one who has so many children she doesn't know what to do? Well, we're the fathers of those children, and we're back in town to claim what is rightfully ours, and we don't mean children."

"Master we have returned. You were correct. With the right sales team, you most certainly can sell dog shit to the American public."

"See multiple images, do you? Well, you could get a costly and invasive veterinary evaluation, or simply try Acme Medicated Eye Drops."

Sir dog, we are conducting a house-to-house survey in the attempt of finding out the answer to one of life's mysteries, namely, 'Why was the character in the movie M*A*S*H called "Hot Lips" O'HOULIHAN, but in the TV series "Hot Lips" HOULIHAN?'"

"Hello -- I can see you looking through the mail slot. I read your casual encounters ad on Craigslist and dressed up just like you said. Apparently I'm not the only one. Could you please call off your dog? It's making me nervous and I having a hard time maintaining my erection when I'm nervous."

charlie kaufman story board for parallel cinematic universe to 101 dalmations. The twist is the the man does NOT bite the dog. srew you, m night shyamalan

"This is such a coincidence. My wife is a dog too."

"Good morning, sir. Can you direct us to 310 Maple Street?"

"Okay, you're a talking dog. I get it. But you know if there were a 'New Yorker Book of Arthropod Cartoons,' I'd be talking to a tarantula right now."

What the fuck?

Well, that would explain why he killed himself right after she was born.

"God, just tell me you're really Rin Tin Tin and I'll make everyone else go away!"

"Aha! So you haven't seen
mirrors for dogs before!"

"Hey geniuses! The convention is at 444 NORTH
Civic Center Place!"

So I'm standing in line thinking...what if one of these briefcases had a million dollars and one had a penny and...oh, forget it. Stupid idea. You're a good dog, Howie.

Standard deal Rex - you cozy up to an old lady with Alzheimers and we give you 30% on every case of dog biscuits she buys.

We got here at 09:26 AM liked you asked. Now what?

Who let the salemen out? Woof, woof, woof, woof!

(that should be - duh)

Who let the salesmen out? Woof, woof, woof, woof!

"All you dogs look alike to me." "Me too." "Me too." "Me too." "Me too." "Me too." "Me too." ...

"So what's it gonna be boy, multiple belly rubs or multiple concussions?"

"I, too, just want to evangelize the word of Daniel Radosh, God among men."


V1agra, C1a1is, ViOxx, Xanax, Xen1cal, Pr0zac, and many more. Save up to 80%. Free overnight shipping!!!

"Those auditioning for "The Pursued Salesman", the first canine-produced musical, are to line up on YOUR left, jackasses!"

V1agra, C1a1is, ViOxx, Xanax, Xen1cal, Pr0zac, and many more. Save up to 80%. Free overnight shipping!!!

V1agra, C1a1is, ViOxx, Xanax, Xen1cal, Pr0zac, and many more. Save up to 80%. Free overnight shipping!!!

Walt? Enough. We got it.

Walt? Enough. We got it.

"The struggle for world domination will be fought entirely between us, between dogs and salesmen. All else is facade and illusion. Behind England stands Salesmanland, and behind France, and behind the United States. Even when we have driven the salesman out of Dogville, he remains our world enemy."

"How many Acme salesmen does it take to change a dog's mind?"

You know about that whole "left behind" thing? Well boy, looks like we're it.

"You gotta help me. Y'see, there's a sales contest at the office. First prize is a Cadillac. Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is, I'm fired. And I know you're a dog, but would you be interested in buying some prope-- No? Well, then fuck you, you fucking cocksucker."

(deleted scene from the Maysles brothers' "Salesman", omitted because -- even by the standards of the rest of the movie -- it was both too bizarre and too heartbreaking to include)

"Ha ha! Yes, you're right, that is an excellent Rip Torn impression! But enough with the small talk. Is your owner home?"

"Are you at least getting SAG rate?"

"OK then, so here's the deal: would you prefer being pepper sprayed 179 times, or one nice kick in the balls?"

It MEANS The New Yorker Captions are bad, and the Anti-Captions are worse.

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