
June 29, 2006

I always said baseball is for pussies

A friend in the newspaper biz forwards this quote from an Associated Press story about a successful surgery on Chicago Cubs pitcher Kerry Wood: "The MRI in Dr. Kremchek's terms, stated it was pristine (and) that the labia repair looked as if it was completely intact (and) looked like it had healed nicely and perfectly."

Which was followed by this urgent correction from the AP to all editors: "Eds: Subs to CORRECT to 'labrum' sted 'labia.'"

Too late.

[Via Kevin G. Again]

Posted by Daniel Radosh


Funny! Bet lots of women were aghast when they read "the word!!" Whoa! Maybe now it will be followed by "clitoris" in print, and then we can hope to hear labia, clitoris, and vulva used in TV sitcoms, movies, and in all the print media just like penis and erections are! Nice! ;-)

Or maybe you could get a girlfriend and you won't have to resort to looking for the words "vulva, clitoris and labia" in news articles.


or may be you should go to a medical school, and you will find out that there are more bits to know

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