
January 16, 2006

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #36

Submit the worst possible caption for this week's New Yorker cartoon. Click here for last week's results. Click here for an introduction and "rules" to this contest. Click here for amplification of those rules. Click here for contest index.


Can you do worse than these?

"I'm beginning to think abortion should be a sacrament."

"It's not what you think. I swallowed a pig whole."

Results after the jump


"Hey, remember that scene in the Scwarzenegger comedy when he says, 'It's not a tumor'? Like, he tells a little kid that he has a headache, and the kid says, 'Maybe it's a tumor,' and he says 'Eets nuht a TWO-muh!' in that accent? Ha ha! That still kills me! But yeah, it's a tumor." —Trout Almondine

"I'm gonna draw latitude and longitude lines on it with a magic marker, then I'm gonna outline where the United States is and paint it red, white and blue like the flag, then I'm gonna freehand George Washington's face right in the middle and one of his eyes will be my belly button, and when I suck in my breath he'll wink. Then I'm gonna tattoo the portrait of a scotty dog on my forehead with a sewing needle and the ink from a broken open Bic pen. But first I'm gonna eat a tub of Cool Whip and green olives. Later." —ben

"I am 'womb-man.'" —danny

Posted by Daniel Radosh


Some times, what happens in Vegas doesn't always stay there.

Yes, it's true. I have adult-onset diabetes.

You promised that you had a vasectemy! By the way, I'm a woman.

"Do you have any idea what decent custom shirts cost?"

"Does this tie make me look fat?"

"Yeah, I might have a horrible, godawful beer belly, but at least I'm not bald, right?"

"How 'bout that football game last night, huh, Fred? Boy, do I like football. Well, all sports, really. I'm crazy about sports. And hunting. Grrrrr."

You're fat.

"My wife and I are pregnant."

"... and I swallowed the spider to catch the fly."

OK, I'm done. Promise.

"Well, at least I'm not going bald, baldie."

(Whoops -- someone already made that joke. Oh, well, that's what I get for coming up with such an obvious punchline and then not hitting "post" right away.)

Why, we seem to be re-enacting the plot of a mid-1990s Arnold Schwarzenegger vehicle! How very odd.

"Well, I guess this means that, for the next nine months, straight people will stop asking us, 'So, which one of you is the woman?'"

If you must know, I will give birth through my ass.

"These new synthetic fibers are very stretchy and confortable, but they don't breathe at all."

Yes, I have been working out. Thanks for noticing.

"I'm thinking that if it gets a little bigger, I can fuck it."

I dunno. Sometimes, I just feel like I'm totally full of shit, y'know?

"My eyes are up here. Pig."

Does this fat-suit make me look fat?

"Got a wafer-thin mint?"

Don't tell me I lack principles, Steve. I have principles that you do not begin to fathom. I am so principled, in fact, that when I'm called upon to work with a guy like you, whose only purpose appears to be providing an ephemeral veneer of due diligence, then it makes me want to punch your fucking lights out, right here in the goddamn lobby. Do you have any more questions about my fucking principles, fuckhat?

Hey, remember that scene in the Scwarzenegger comedy when he says, "It's not a tumor"? Like, he tells a little kid that he has a headache, and the kid says, "Maybe it's a tumor," and he says "Eets nuht a TWO-muh!" in that accent? Ha ha! That still kills me! But yeah, it's a tumor.

"As long as stays big, hard and threatens others' personal space, I'm happy."

"It's the love of Jesus, Mike."

"Go ahead. Thump it."

"It's a strap on. I'm slumming a lot these days. You know how winter is."

"I wanted to make babies with myself. If that is contrary to Mormon law, I'll eat the placenta."

Hey -- My eyes are up here.

I know, I know, Mr. Blackwell: "Never wear a striped tie with a distended belly."

"Tell you what, we coulda had a good life together! Fuckin' real good life! Had us a place of our own. But you didn't want it, Ennis! So what we got now is Brokeback Mountain!"

If we can track down Steve Gutenburg, we'll have a blockbuster.

"Turns out gay marriage isn't just a right. It's a responsibility."

I am unsure whether to draw an interesting pop cultural reference to Junior (which starred Arnold Schwarzenegger as a pregnant dad- have you heard that he's become governor now? I wish him good luck in his gubernatorial endeavours), or Aliens (in which an alien popped through somebody's stomach in a gutwrenchingly traumatic scene) ... Napoleon Dynamite? But what's that got to do with a hideously fat stom ... Heheh, yeah, "Gawwrsh" ... heh, that was a pretty funny movie.

The wife and I made a deal: I'd have the baby, and she'd do something stereotypically male that I can't think of right now, but which I'm sure the entrants to the real New Yorker caption contest are, like, all over, each of them thinking they're the only ones to come up with it, and completely boring the unpaid intern whose job it is to sort through the entries.

I had gut augmentation to make my moobs look smaller.

Will you tell me when I'm erect?

It's a lovely way of saying how much I love you.

I TOLD you those aliens were probing me with something.

"Could you hold this laundry bag (which is cleverly designed to look like the lower half of a dress shirt and tie worn over a distended stomach) for me? I need to tie my shoe."

"I knew this would happen after Howard went to Sirius."

Of course I'm not pregnant silly. I just look that way because I ate my wife, who was pregnant.

Naw, just fat. Listen, when you have a minute, I wanted to talk to you about the Williams file.

It's a gift from the Lord.

Why don't you guess whose it is, Bert.

It'll be comin' out the back door ... we think.

Dude, it's a pregnancy suit. Rule No. 5 for skipping work: Always follow through with your excuse. Remember I wasn't here last Friday? Well, at the time I didn't realize ... exactly ... what morning sickness was. And don't fucking lecture me--I know that's a violation of rule No. 2.

"Do I look funny to you, Steve? Because I sure as hell feel funny. Where's my bucket?"

"Hogwarts, actually. This tie's my cousin's."

"I can't believe I get paid for this."

"Pardon please, can you to me direct the Dutch Embassy?"

"Does this belt of explosives make me look fat?"

"Honey, I'm sorry -- if you really find it that unattractive, I'll try to use the treadmill more often."

"Yes, actually, I did just have King Kong's glans attached to my lower torso. Thanks for noticing."

I have a feeling that two weeks paternity leave isn't going to cut it this time around.

Six weeks with nary a toot -- and if you think my stomach looks weird, you should see my sphincter.

I'm hoping for a little DILF action.

Hello, Gary. I'm you... from the future!!! You get your nose done and some decent plugs. But, well, I guess you noticed that you also put on an awful lot of weight.

There are alot of countries in Asia where your ignorance would be considered offensive.

"I'm going to name him Commander Riker, after his father."

"sigh... everyone knows my stomach's a clip-on."

"I just ate Henderson. That promotion is MINE."

"You know you want it."

would you like a bowl of bowel bisque?

Yeah? Well your wife likes how it feels on her ass.

A baby? Born out of wedlock? Shame on you! Shame on you!

It's not mine.

"I'm sleepy. Would you kindly carry my legless stump of a body --damn that train, damn that train, damn that train, damn that train-- over to that madras flannel jammies pedestal? "

I'm gonna draw latitude and longitude lines on it with a magic marker, then I'm gonna outline where the United States is and paint it red, white and blue like the flag, then I'm gonna freehand George Washington's face right in the middle and one of his eyes will be my belly button, and when I suck in my breath he'll wink. Then I'm gonna tattoo the portrait of a scotty dog on my forehead with a sewing needle and the ink from a broken open Bic pen. But first I'm gonna eat a tub of Cool Whip and green olives. Later.

"I'm not *stroking* it, I'm holding it."

Well, I guess after college all the muscle turned to fat. How typical, really.

Just because I have short hair and wear a tie to work doesn't automatically make me a man. Don't assume; it makes an "ass"
out of "u" and "me."

Just because I have short hair and wear a tie to work doesn't automatically make me a man. Don't assume; it makes an "ass"
out of "u" and "me."

Just because I have short hair and wear a tie to work doesn't automatically make me a man. Don't assume; it makes an "ass"
out of "u" and "me."

i have chosen you steve to pull out the cork!

there are mushrooms growing on my dick. here look.

Actually, I can believe I ate the whole thing- look at my fuckin stomach!

"I need to decide whether I'll host the Oscars or run for governor of California."

"I was just diagnosed with celiac disease. I can't believe my doctors hadn't noticed sooner."

"Every week I check 'Subscribe to the weekly cartoon newsletter' but I still haven't received one."

"I eat anything I want and never exercise . . . and you?"

As an obese man who carries fat around the abdomen, I'm a prime candidate for adult onset diabetes, heart disease, and a host of other unpleasantries that will no doubt take years off of my life and lower the quality of my remaining years. But at least I'm not a pussy vegetarian.

They say fat is a feminist issue

pull my finger.

Did you see "Supersize Me"? Yo that was the dopest shit ever, D.


Bowling ball? No I haven't seen your bowling ball, asshole!

Bowling ball? No I haven't seen your bowling ball, asshole!

What part of "Anonymous donor" don't you understand?

yes, it's a striped tie, and yes, I know it's Solid Tie Friday, and you know what? I don't give a shit.

"I'm keeping it. Don't worry, I don't expect you to be responsible for it. It was my decision, after all. I won't even list you as the father. Or even the mother. Can you help me unbutton my shirt?"

When my father's nose is up against my taint, it tickles. Whoa, I've got a big gut.

Wow. That Robert Paulson sure deserves to win!

Da, we should close this contest, now. Finished.

There is a snake on you, Ma'am.

I'm actually the snake from last week's contest. I'm slowly digesting your wife.

I am 'womb-man'.

According to Esquire's Style Guy you're not supposed to untuck an Oxford shirt until the third trimester.

I'd have thought Merck would have bold-faced the 'possible fetus' side effect on the Propecia label.

I'd love to help you move this weekend, Gerard, but as you can see, my hands are constantly occupied holding up my grotesquely distended stomach.


Why Gregory? I don't know, I've always like that name and it's been stuck in the back of my head for some reason.

A little late:

"...and then when they're looking around all confused you pop it out and go in for the easy lay-up. Coach Meadowlark had lots of plays like that."

"Are you familiar with the 'Rod Stewart' rumor?"

"I still can't believe you created your own personal private floating device!"

"Ya isn't it terrific! By the way, did you see that hairy beaver looking thingy floating on the water.."


"Tell anyone about this, and I'll use your beady little black eyes for fucking buttons!"

"Well maybe YOU'RE the freak for NOT having a parasitic conjoined twin!"

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