
August 3, 2005

I know it's hard to believe Katherine Harris would have a credibility problem


So on Monday Florida secretary of state-turned congresswoman-turned senate candidate Katherine Harris told Sean Hannity that the only reason she looked so silly in all those pictures during the 2000 recount was because the liberal media "colorized my photograph."

When pressed on this obvious lie the next day, the candidate backpedaled, but also frontpedaled. All she meant to say was "I haven't worn blue eye shadow since the seventh grade when I was in the Girl Scouts." The Tampa Tribune reporter makes a stab at countering this by noting, "She didn't name a newspaper that showed blue eye shadow." But the real comeback would be to do a Google Image search, where you'd find the picture above -- complete with blue eye shadow -- on the first page of results. I'm not saying Katherine Harris was lying again, mind you. I'm just saying she was one fugly 12-year-old.

Posted by Daniel Radosh


Or is it a pale violet? Typical liberal, forcing the facts to fit your preconceptions!

definitely pale purply-toned silver shimmer eye shadow. But what s with the caking eye lashes and the pasty foundation

definitely pale purply-toned silver shimmer eye shadow. But what s with the caking eye lashes and the pasty foundation

This blog has made a starring role on CNN in the past hour or so.

Um, what?

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